September 7


Are you focusing on what generates revenue?

Small Business Coaching by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Topic: What Generate Revenue  Illustrated by a dried-up river bed.
Are you doing what generates business or shuts down your pipeline flow?

Are you focusing on what
generates revenue?

What generates your business’s revenue is different from what generates another small business’s revenue; however, everyone needs customers and sales to generate revenue. I know this seems like the obvious, but lately some of my conversations with other Small Business Owners (SBOs) reveal they aren’t focusing on the right activities. Can you relate?

Here’s why I’m sharing this: Today, I heard this SBO confusion for the 3rd time in less than a week. I’m intrigued! Why? Each one of these SBOs told me they knew they weren’t doing that one activity which generates cash-flow for their business.

The last SBO I spoke with was very specific and knew this “needed to be adjusted” … “I know I need to reach out and make potential customer calls – to start the conversation. I know I should do it Tuesday morning, but somehow don’t get to it until Friday at 4pm – if then.”

What makes the above SBO confession unique? NOTHING! Not a thing at all. This type of behavior is common for SBOs. Yet, developing a strong and consistent pipeline flow is essential for Small Business Success.

Why aren’t SBOs doing the one or two things they need to do to bring in the money and keep it flowing? 

There are a myriad of reasons. It usually boils down to The 3 Lacks:

First: Lack of clarity
Second: Lack of training or resources
Third: Lack of self-confidence

Lack of Clarity: Do you know what you want? Do you know why it matters to you? Is what your revenue can provide truly important to you?

Lack of Training or Resource: What is necessary for you to take on these one or two tasks which will deliver your business success? Is it that you need to learn more so you can do it effectively? Do you need certain tools or a system developed to do these tasks efficiently?

Lack of Self-Confidence: What falsehoods do you believe about your own capabilities? What falsehoods do you believe about successful people? Why are you supporting yourself to be un-successful? Do you really want to succeed?

NOTE: When we aren’t achieving what we say we want, we talk more about it instead of taking the actions which get us closer to accomplishing our goal. Which means we place a false value on something other than attaining the initial goals – in this case revenue.

Confusion example could look like this: If the goal is closing business and you spend time networking to find your probable purchasers customers, to ultimately convert them into paying customers – that’s good. If you confuse the tactic of networking as your goal instead of converting them – you are confused. This happens to almost all SBOs, especially in the first 5 years of their business.

Focusing on what matters most

Some of you, right now, may be saying, “Ha! That’s not it, procrastination is the barrier.”  If this is true for you, guess what – the list of the 3 Lacks is where your procrastination is rooted. You either don’t have clarity or are fearful of making mistakes.

Procrastination is a behavior. It’s still keeping  your from focusing on what matters – doing what matters to generate revenue. 

What is it you’re gaining by not attaining your business success? FYI: It’s usually attention. Unfortunately for all the wrong things. Here’s some clues if this is you:

Are you telling folks how difficult your business is? 
Maybe your conversations are about how hard your working?
Perhaps you’re bragging about tactics success instead of sharing you’re achieving your goals?

CLUE: If you’re sounding like a victim or martyr, there’s a good chance you’re not doing what generates the revenue you need.

If whatever you are trying to achieve isn’t crystal clear in your mind and significantly important, it’s easy to slack. Understanding what you want to make happen needs to be so significant to you that it helps you overcome all your obstacles. 

As we’ve said for years here: Everything starts with Right Thoughts, which leads to Right Actions. If these two are coupled, you support and ultimately achieve success.

Start  Here

Go back and take 15 minutes today to write down your answers to all the questions in this blogpost. You’ll quickly see if you’re focusing on what generates revenue for your business or not. 

Then, find someone who is successful in what you need to learn and hire them. They will help you shave time off of your learning curve and help you minimize lost revenue (from not being able to master what’s necessary).

TIP: When you’re accessing who’s the best person to guide you, don’t pick the one you really like. Pick the one who is going to keep you working on the right stuff and accountable. Why? You need them to hold your feet to the fire!

What one action will you take to generate more revenue? Feel free to share what’s going to give you great impact in the comment section.    

Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. 
Making it possible to Simplify Small Business Success!
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Maggie Mongan, #1 Bestselling Author
Master Business Coach & Trainer for Small Businesses
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s.:  Create brilliant outcomes through making better decisions in real-time.

Copyright: Article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Thank you.


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