Providing good customer service
that totally rocks!
Providing good customer service is a lost art. You should be developing this to improve YOUR Business Performance by gaining loyal customers and expanding your customer base. Are you?
Ask any successful Small Business Owner (SBO) and they will tell you how good customer service supports their business success tenfold.
Why is this a critical component to your business success? YOUR Customers want to feel as if they are the most important part of your business, especially if they are dissatisfied.
Without a customer you don’t have a business. Each one of YOUR Customers is essential to YOUR Business Growth.
Secret to providing good customer service
YOUR Customers want to feel as if they are the only customer you have.
Each of YOUR Customers wants YOU to treat them as if they are a newborn baby gilded in gold.
That’s pretty precious, isn’t it? Sure it is!
Guess what? They deserve to be treated like this instead of a number or something you must contend with at times.
5 Steps to Treat YOUR Customer Like Gold
- Remove your bias from this process.
- Be present with them.
- Listen to what they want.
- Give them what they want.
- Serve them what they need.
NOTE: When you do this, they will feel as if you actually care about them. After all, don’t we all just want to be heard?
When YOUR Customers feel they are important enough because you authentically listen to them, everyone wins. As you address them, everyone wins. As you give them what want and need, everyone wins tenfold!
It doesn’t take long to do this effectively. Flex YOUR Customer Service muscle with each customer interaction.
Providing Good Customer Service Tip:
I know it’s hard at times. The more you practice doing this, the easier and more graceful it will be for you. Eventually it will be a new behavior that supports YOUR Business Success without you even giving it a second thought.
Don’t hesitate on this one. It is a game changer!
Please feel free to comment or question about the challenges you have providing good customer service or something else if you’d like me to support YOUR Small Business Success further.
Brilliant Breakthrough, Inc. provides Small Business Coaching & Strategy
to Simplify Strategies & Align Actions
to Further YOUR Profitability, Peace, & Potential
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s.: If you’re in the Milwaukee area on the last Friday of the month, join us at Wisconsin Business Owners Lunch and Learn. You’ll develop great relationships and grow your business.
Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Thank you.
This is a great reminder that I need to outsource this department!
Good the know what isn’t a strength! If this is not your forte, that is very true; however, it doesn’t pardon you from not applying it when appropriate. Go for it, you might surprise yourself 🙂
I have totally gotten away from this. I think it best to actually schedule this type of follow up. I intend to do better in this area. Blessings!
Yes, AND practice delivering it in real time when YOUR Customer needs you the most! Set the intention and step into action. Whew-hoo!