Customer Servicing:
Fourth Small Business Power Move
Customer Servicing isn’t a concept. It’s an action. If you develop an exceptional Customer Experience, YOUR Customer focus will serve YOUR Customers well.
Servicing YOUR Customers exceptionally, is the quickest way to assure revenue is solid and YOUR Business Success is secured. Customer Servicing is the 4th Small Business Power Move because it delivers – if you do!
Click here if you’d like an introduction of all 5 Small Business Power Moves. The first two Power Moves of Customer Attraction, Customer Engagement, and Customer Conversion lead you to this one moment where the magic happens.
Why does Appropriately Servicing YOUR Customer Matter?
Currently there’s a little bickering occurring about how Customer Service and Customer Experience are the same. the other side says “Not at all!”
Which side do you think is correct? It’s pretty fascinating to see how this is all going to play out with a few more years.
I believe that Customer Servicing is different than Customer Service. Typically when we’re referencing customers service, we are actually speaking of Customer Servicing. Let me explain further.
Customer Servicing is when you are actually serving YOUR Customer. Whereas Customer Service typically refers to when a customer has a problem about the servicing that has occurred.
Usually Customer Service Departments are working to clear up some customer dissatisfaction. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Unfortunately it’s more of an after thought.
How is Customer Servicing an important Power Move?
Develop a Plan or Process for YOUR Ideal Customer to be served by you and your team in the best possible manner to assure satisfaction. If you do this, you’ll deliver the “wow” factor. This is a significant power move!
The Customer Experience is everything related to the customer from the moment you attract them to the moment they leave your business. (Hopefully there’s a follow-up when they leave.) The customer experience is paramount at each step in the process.
What’s the one moment you have to shine? When you deliver your offering in the most exceptional manner possible. This is your moment of servicing YOUR Customer. This is you delivering the promise they have trusted you with when they made their purchase.
Brilliant Breakthroughs Big Question:
How are YOUR Customers scoring YOUR Customer Servicing?
- Are you delivering what you said you would?
- Do you deliver it in a fashion that pleases YOUR Customer?
- Are you servicing YOUR Customer in a better way than they expect?
Customer Servicing is about delivering on YOUR Promise and wowing YOUR Customer.
How do you get raving customers? Provide Excellent Customer Servicing.
If YOUR Customer trusts you, show them they were correct to do so!
You told them you could deliver, right? Then do it well.
TIP: The easiest way to be provide extra-ordinary customer servicing is to ask your customers what they want. Then, deliver it to them. This isn’t rocket science. It’s all about being a great service provider and being rewarded for it.
YOUR Next Steps:
You’ve worked hard to attract, engage, and convert YOUR Customer.
Now examine what’s happening during YOUR Customer Servicing experience. Where are the gaps you need to improve?
Take the time to find all the gaps. Address them one by one. Why? So you don’t let the first three steps go to waste.
It’s important to slow down and make sure you have this Power Move perfected. Go have fun finding ways to share YOUR Awesomeness with YOUR Customers. Continue to get feedback and adjust appropriately on in the moment.
Please feel free to share your struggles or wins regarding YOUR Customer Servicing in the comment section.
Brilliant Breakthrough, Inc. provides Small Business Coaching & Consulting
to Simplify Strategies & Align Actions
to Further YOUR Profitability, Peace, & Potential
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s.: If you’re in the Milwaukee area on the last Friday of the month, join us at Wisconsin Business Owners Lunch and Learn to learn about and practice client engagement with other Business Owners!
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