November 27


Giving Of Oneself: A Small Business Owners Path

Giving of Oneself is a natural path for Small Business Owners illustrated by a dirt road covered by leaves in a forest.
Giving of Oneself is a natural path for Small Business Owners – are you on the best path?

Giving of Oneself is the natural path
of Small Business Owners

Giving of oneself truly becomes the natural path for Small Business Owners. Why? Usually when they begin their business it is either because they have a genius they want to share with others. The genius they share with others could be a talent, wisdom, or expertise.

“It is more noble to give yourself completely to one individual
than to labor diligently for the salvation of the masses.”
~Dag Hammerskjold

I like this quote because it is often how a business is built – one relationship at a time. Business Owners giving of oneself – one customer at a time! Working diligently to make the ripple effect. There’s another quote I believe is what most Small Business Owners work to actualize:

“We have committed the Golden Rule to memory;
let us now commit it to life.”
~Edwin Markham

Giving of oneself as a way of being for Small Business Owner is a path of self-management. It calls us to hone our skills and capabilities of our service as well as ourselves. It is as if the Small Business Owner is a rock. A rock being soften each moment as the water passes over it. Each day, we take our place completing tasks we like and others we dislike.

“Habits are like a cable: We weave a strand of it every day
and soon it cannot be broken.”
~Harace Mann

A new year is upon us in just 5 weeks. Now is the time to think about what you want to change for next year.

How can you continue “giving of oneself” while finding ways to do it with less effort and more grace?

TIP: The key is to serve with peace and gain profit so you can continue your great works!


Also, THANK YOU for reading and following this unconventional Business Coach’s blog to help you optimize your leadership and business performance. Please click here for an appreciation gift like none you’ve ever seen before!

Please feel free to comment or ask questions on anything you’d like.
We are here to help you Step-Up to accomplish YOUR Business Goals.
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Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. We are 5 weeks out from serving in a new way and year. Ponder possible new ways which are in alignment of how you choose “giving of oneself” in this upcoming year. There are many paths.


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