June 5


Appreciation returns favorable business

Small Business Coaching by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Appreciation Returns illustrated by a multi-colored blue and yellow envelope with "THANK YOU" on it.
Appreciation Returns are a great strategy for Small Business Success. Activate yours today!

Appreciation returns favorable business

Appreciation returns favorable business to Small Business Owners day after day. Do you use appreciation as a business strategy to improve YOUR Business Performance?

It’s pretty simple. Consistently, appreciation returns favorable business because we all like being appreciated.

When we feel appreciated we remember those who appreciated us. We enjoy reciprocating the thoughtfulness.

The Law of Reciprocity

Oversimplified, The Law of Reciprocity states: when one receives, one likes to return the favor.

This is how we’re wired.

The extreme example of this is Sheldon Cooper from the TV series “Big Bang Theory”. Throughout the series we experience eccentric Sheldon having a mini-meltdown because someone gave him something. He goes through a societal expectations dilemma because he doesn’t know what is appropriate to return in favor.

Since Sheldon’s the scientist he is, he defaults to the financial value of the gift received. Then he returns something of equal financial value – sometimes with a few some coins “to keep it balanced”.

Small Business Owners working Appreciation Returns

Are you utilizing The Law of Reciprocity as YOUR Business Strategy?

Do you send thank you cards? How much social media love do you give to others? Do you surprise your customers?

How do you make your appreciation returns activities stand-out?

In our high-tech world, do you still send a high-touch card?

I’m all for saving trees.

However, there are times when a physical card, one that people can hold in their hand, says so much more than the words on the card.

Other than Christmas or your birthday, when was the last time you received a card?

Yes, now that’s what I’m talking about! Not many cards of appreciation are landing in folks hands.

You can be the change. Express your appreciation.

Be unique AND top-of-mind all in one smooth action!

Send physical Appreciation Cards in the mail. Get busy doing this today and watch your business become more favorable.

TIP: If you are looking for a great supplier of handmade customized cards for business, check out: The Cardcierge. It’s amazing service to help you stand-out and be remembered. FYI: Custom designed cards for your business can support your brand while sending great messages of appreciation. I’m a customer and fan of this great service!

Please feel free to comment or ask a question you’d like me to answer to support YOUR Small Business Success.


Brilliant Breakthrough, Inc. provides Small Business Coaching & Strategy
to Simplify Strategies & Align Actions
to Further YOUR Profitability, Peace, & Potential
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s.: If you’re in the Milwaukee area on the last Friday of the month, join us at Wisconsin Business Owners Lunch and Learn. You’ll develop great relationships and grow your business.

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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