June 27


Social Media Platforms Generate Revenue?

Small Business Coaching by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Topic: Social Media Platforms illustrated by a chalk boar with different options for social selling.
Using the right social media platforms for YOUR Business needs significantly supports generating revenue.

Social Media Platforms to Build
Small Business Revenue

Social Media Platforms are a big focus of the Small Business Marketing Plan. Are they being given more credit than they deserve?

YOUR Business Success depends upon you generating revenue to create profit. Profitability is what supports your business and you evolving.

Many Small Business Owners (SBOs) don’t understand the power of social media platforms.

SBOs believe they need to be on every platform “liking” everything anyone posts. WRONG!

Only people like your likes. The algorithms of social media platforms love it when you share.

Of course being wise about what you share and the comment you attach to your share is essential to you showing up like a pro!

Which Social Media Platform should you be on?

The one that makes most sense for your business growth.

Per Dean DeLisle of Forward Progress, “think of a social media platform as a live convention”. There are different platforms with different purposes, and audiences, and capabilities.

Depending upon what type of business you have and who YOUR Ideal Customers are, will determine which platform will serve YOUR Business best.

Back to the convention…  if your customers are women and your product is something to use in the kitchen, you aren’t going to prop up your exhibitor’s table at a heavy equipment (bulldozers and excavators) convention.

This is an obvious disconnect. Yet this is what many small business owners are doing with their social media platform choices and behaviors. Are you?

Are you also guilty of trying to conduct all business relationship building online and not balancing your high tech and high touch activities?

If you aren’t on the best platform to attract the right customers with the right messages, you’re losing revenue.

Are you selling to businesses and business owners but using your personal Facebook page to sell? Actually, Facebook has rules against this and has the right to shut your account down when they notice you breaking one of their rules. That’s why they offer Pages for you to generate and do business.

Conversely, LinkedIn is designed for business relationship building. Why are people posting personal conversations there? Those posts should be on Facebook (the personal social site), and conducting business should be on LinkedIn.

Social Media Platforms Re-alignment

YOUR Business’s visibility will improve when you start showing up at the right online convention or social media platform which serves your business topic and customers best.

If you’re on the wrong platform get active on the right one for YOUR Business. Then start showing up with powerful conversations that matter. Less may be more in the JOMO world we are now living in!

Not all social media platforms are created equal.

Let us know in the comment section which social media platform is rocking it for you and why…


Brilliant Breakthrough, Inc. provides Small Business Coaching & Strategy
to Simplify Strategies & Align Actions
to Further YOUR Profitability, Peace, & Potential
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s.: If you’re in the Milwaukee area on the last Friday of the month, join us at Wisconsin Business Owners Lunch and Learn. You’ll develop great relationships and grow your business.

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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