February 4


Simplistic improvement to balancing high tech and high touch

Balancing high tech and high touch is an art. Illustrated by a man holding his laptop with a cup of coffee on his rustic table.
Balancing high tech and high touch is an art. Are you practicing these actions?

Business Owners simplistic improvements to
balancing high tech and high touch
are realistic to master!

Balancing high tech and high touch isn’t easy for any business. Actually, it becomes an art when done well. Most business owners don’t become artists in this area to boost their Business Performance.

Are you and artist of balancing high tech and high touch?

Let’s talk about this balancing act to determine if you’re an expert or need more practice. Modern business practices require we be social. Guess what –  it always has! Now we just get to add another layer of it to our business activities – high tech or social media or digital.

I find “social” more as a way of being. Human beings are social beings. So of course we’re going to turn everything into a social moment. But the question is: do you throughout your business day?

In Action: Balancing high tech and high touch

Recently I sent messages to all attendees who were attending an event the following day. It was a brief message, addressed them by name, and included my name and phone number. I individually typed each message and added an individual touch if we had seen them in a while or whatever to personalize the 1-2 sentence message.

What do you think happened the day of the event? I was a rock star! Just about every person made it a point to shake my hand or give me a hug. One gentlemen went out of his way to express his gratitude for the personal high touch and how it made a big difference.

I know it does. How? I’ve worked at mastering this for years. Yes, I used high tech to be high touch. I believe we depend too much on typing instead of meeting folks face to face in business and people are losing business hiding behind a screen.

Why do you need to quickly transfer relationships
from online to personal?

If possible i’s important to get a face to face ASAP – or at least a phone call. Use social media for meeting larger audiences. Once you have 2-3 exchanges of digital conversation with a person, make an appointment to hear each other’s voices. This will accelerate your relationship development to be known, liked, and trusted.  It will also help you make good referrals to whomever you are speaking.

NOTE: I’m all about making appropriate and trusted referrals. If you take the time to get to know your peeps, you will serve them better. Of course they’ll reciprocate your caring generosity to help them grow their business.

TIP: Treat your business with respect and nurture it. Practice balancing high tech and high touch. The more you practice, the more natural it will become. Help others do the same with their business and yours too!

Do you already have an action for balancing high tech and high touch? If not, how can we help you? Please share in the comment section.


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Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. Simply switch it up and see what happens next!

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Republishing in its entirety is not permitted. The internet is about sharing. Please share up to 200 words with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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  1. Great Post! In this day and age, it might be a technology touch through social media.

    In addition, I believe that the audience that you address will dictate the technology of the touch.

    As always, great stuff here!

    1. Yes, utilizing tech for a touch is good, but it should be used to completely automate relationships. Some relationships will be via tech. However, relationships become more magical when faces connect (which can be done through tech if that’s the only option). See more faces means your building your business relationship to be deeper. Isn’t it harder to say “no” to someone you haven’t seen before?

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