September 16


JOMO Successfully Supports Small Business Owner’s Sanity

JOMO: the Joy Of Missing Out illustrated by a young girl sledding down a snowy hill.
Utilize the JOMO: JOY Of Missing Out to revitalize yourself and YOUR Business.

JOMO Successfully Supports
Small Business Owner’s Sanity

JOMO is an abbreviation for the “Joy Of Missing Out” on things. It’s usually referenced in conversations regarding social media activity or time management. FYI: I call time management productivity management because time isn’t manageable, but productivity is.

Ready for this? JOMO emerged as a backlash to FOMO – the Fear Of Missing Out on things. Click here to read our short article on FOMO. It gained momentum after social media exploded and the mindfulness movement gained momentum. The timing became the perfect storm for JOMO to pop-up in many conversations. Why? People had reached a saturation point!

What is JOMO About?

The Joy Of Missing Out is really about making better decisions to live more fully. There’s no denying how technology has helped us become more productive. Technology has made us efficient, but not always more effective. This is where JOMO comes in. This isn’t a difficult conversation or concept, but it will impact your profitability if you don’t master it!

Effectively running a business requires Small Business Owners (SBOs) to wear a multiple hats. They are always on the go. SBOs usually have a mental backlog of what’s still needing their attention.

What’s the most common way SBOs can utilize JOMO to support their success? Get off of social media as soon as you post and conduct engaging conversations to keep your social media servicing and selling active. TIP: Set a timer for 20 minutes or less per social media platform.

Whereas FOMO is applied to your sales and marketing, JOMO is applied to your productivity and self-management. If you ignore the Joy Of Missing Out, you become a workaholic and will burn out. If you overuse the Joy Of Missing Out, you won’t get the necessary work completed to enjoy the good life you intend.

Just like FOMO, balance is required with JOMO. Balance is the key to supporting Business Owner’s Success and sanity.

How have your abuse or overused the Joy Of Missing Out to negatively impact YOUR Business’s Success? Also, in the comment section let me know what topics you’d like for me to write about!


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Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. As you read, balance is always the key to Small Business Owner Success!

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at Thank you.


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