July 4


Independence Day and Your Business

independence day celebration of US Flag and fireworks
Great insights to learn about Independence Day to apply to your business.

Independence Day
and Your Business

Independence Day is today in The United States of America. Canada celebrated their Independence Day on July 1st. All these Independence Day concepts had me pondering about the independence of owning a business.

Small Business Owners (SBOs) are seriously committed to the growth and increasing value of their business. This is what a business needs to perform well.

If SBOs truly have this as a focus, their business will allow them the independence to earn an sustainable income how they see fit. 

Is your business supporting you to be independent?

Is the spirit behind Independence Day the same as YOUR Business’s Independence?

Business Rebels and Independence

Just as our country’s Founders were rebels with an ideal, independence from The Crown, Business Owners are rebels. Independence is at the core of each entrepreneurial adventure.

Independence is the foundation businesses are built upon.

Our country’s Forefathers wanted independence. Their independence came in many different forms.

As they founded our country, The Declaration of Independence reveals what they wanted as our anchoring ideals and behaviors. It provided an agreeable guide for them to follow as they began governing this new formed country.

How is this any different than your business? You are breaking out and forming an entity of business, instead of a country, to behave and serve your marketplace in a particular manner. This isn’t any different.

Your Business’s Purpose, Vision, and Mission and similar to our country’s Declaration of Independence. It’s imperative to understand why you are in business (purpose), what is your ideal (vision), and how you’re going to deliver your ideals (mission).

A great book to get you started with this is “Start with Your Why” by Simon Sinek. I remember when Sinek first arrived on the scene. People didn’t give him credit, in fact they worked to discredit his wisdom. I’ve been following him for over 10 years. He is a rebel. He stayed true to his ideals and still helps shape the way others express their ideals. 

The Declaration of Independence (USA Style)

My husband and I are familiar with the US Constitution – we have our own copy and review it often enough. We encourage everyone to understand their rights as a US Citizen. The constitution is written differently than The United States Declaration of Independence. When our Forefathers declared our country’s independence, they were from another era and their verbiage reflects this. 

I find myself going to the dictionary when I read it. There are words which aren’t common to us in this century. Definitions, to understand what the spirit of each word, are essential to understand the power of what their vision was for our country. 

The actual declaration has 1,458 words, and triple that once all the signatures  are added. As an author I thought about how much work it must have taken to whittle down all their thoughts, ideals, visions into only 1,458. Thus, the need for a dictionary. Their word choices have significant depth of meaning.

Click on this link to review: The Declaration of Independence (It’s been dubbed: The Want, Will, and Hopes of the People)

Note: This is a copy of the original that was signed on July 4, 1776. After itw as sent to Congress, it was edited on August 2, 1776.

What is YOUR Business’s Declaration of Independence?

As Small Business Owners you get to declare your business’s independence. How? By expressing what you do, who you do it with, how you do it, and what is your ideal outcome for your marketplace. 

I went a step further to think about this. We say express these things when we speak to people, but how do the masses know what our business’s declaration is? After pondering a good while, I had an eureka moment! All this is contained on our website or mobile app. This is how we communicate these idea to the masses – in digital form. 

Then, I had a whoa moment. I speak with many SBOs and they don’t have clarity of who they are and what they do and it is reflected on their sites. Guess what? My business, which is in the middle of my business revamp which has taken too long, doesn’t effectively declare what I do on my site either!  I may share it with people, but it isn’t out there for the marketplace to see. I know what I’ll be cleaning up!

Expressing YOUR Business’s Independence Day Action Items:

First: I encourage everyone to read The original United States Declaration of Independence to understand the possibilities of a vision you can infuse into your business.

Then: Review your website/app and see if it best expresses your vision, focus, and offerings in the fashion they deserve to be expressed.

Next: Get busy communicating what is best for your business to attract the right people. 

Last: Proclaim your business’s Declaration – celebrate! Start a marketing campaign to help everyone understand your business more accurately.

REMEMBER: This last step is essential to boost your success rate and profitability to improve your business’s performance and achieve your ideals!

Have fun making YOUR Business’s Independence Day one to celebrate!

Feel free to ask any questions or make any comments you have regarding your business’s success.

Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. 
Making it possible to Simplify, Transform, 
& Optimize Small Business Success!
For a 40 minute no-cost consultation,
go to: Let’s Shine Brighter!

Maggie Mongan, #1 Bestselling Business Author 
Master Business Coach & Trainer
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

P.S.:  Create brilliant outcomes through making better decisions in real-time.

Copyright: Article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to BrilliantBreakthroughs.com.


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