January 5


Customers Purpose is Your Business (updated)

Business Coaching by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. addressing Gandhi's quote of the Customers Purpose for Business Success.
According to Gandhi, an understanding of Customers Purpose is crucial for Business Success.

Customers Purpose is YOUR Business?

Customers Purpose is a very important element to YOUR Business Success; however, there’s very little discussion about it. Let’s remedy this today.   

This is such an important topic, I’m updating this post I originally published in 2014 because understanding this drive your referrals and revenue through the roof!

I noticed an excellent quote regarding the importance of customers from one of the most unlikely people to discuss the topic. Yet, we must recall Mahatma Gandhi was an attorney before he became a peace activist.

As I review this post, I see how it is even more relevant to both of his careers than I initial thought. It’s totally in sync with yours too!

Customers Purpose quote by Gandhi:

A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business, for he is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Are you dependent upon YOUR Customer?

If your initial answer is “no”, I’d like for you to rethink that.

Without a customer, nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter if you have a great product. It doesn’t even matter if you have slick technology.

What does matter is that you have a customer to experience all you do.

Every aspect of what you call “business” or “work” is dependent upon YOUR Customer.

I haven’t met a successful Business Owner who thinks their business is dependent on something other than their customers.

Do you know YOUR Customers Purpose is in direct relation to YOUR Profit?

As a Small Business Owner it is crucial to identify customers purpose to every aspect of your business, isn’t it?

Yes! Then adopt, or fortify, the one reason you are in business… to serve customers.

Understanding the importance of YOUR Customer and their purpose is key to YOUR Business Success.

This becomes really simple: either you are directly working with YOUR Customers or you are supporting those who do.

Nothing else matters more than YOUR Customers. How do you like that for an eye opener!?!?!?

Your Customers purpose is to acquire a resolution to their problem. Resolving the issue of YOUR Customers is YOUR Business’s focus.

No one becomes a customer until the customers purpose is revealed and addressed.

Potential customers are not a disruption to YOUR Business. YOUR Business exists to serve them.

Treating potential customers and customers as the epic center of YOUR Business will serve you well.

If you and YOUR Business truly understand the problem and how to resolve it, you gain customers through them purchasing your offerings.  That’s the only requirement a person has to become a customer.

Everything in YOUR Business occurs for the one moment of converting a person, with a need, to a paying customer. When they take this one action, all the activities you’ve created are purposeful.

Everything you have created, that you call business, exists for this moment. Yes, it really can be this simplified.

Are you serving YOUR Customers best?

Customers want what they want.

It’s a pretty simple clue. If you are smart, you will fill that specific want or need.

However,what should you do if you aren’t so wise? Wisdom comes from research and tenure or experience.

Often times clients don’t know what they need, but they think what they want is what they need.

If you’re learning that YOUR Customers are a fountain of information for you to be drinking from, you are on the right track!

Customers reveal endless clues as to what they need and don’t want.

Heck, they can even tell you what they want, but if you’re a true expert you’ll know what they really need!

How I turned around my business via Customers Purpose

Small Business Owners usually start working with me because they want more time, more money, and or more customers (with their current business) or they’re ready to step into their vocation (start a new business to generate more peace and joy).

They are terribly frustrated and confused. Unfortunately, they followed what everyone told them: create a customer avatar, start doing social media, start networking (which just about everyone does ineffectively), and get a website.

They aren’t thinking about how they need to develop Purpose, Vision, and Mission Statements, which ultimately manage their whole business. And they surely don’t think their core values and daily practice are important for creating a purpose-driven and successful (profitable) business blazing with passion.

They are unaware these are the foundational elements that all the other stuff is effortlessly built upon once the have their foundation. But, until  I realized this over 10 years ago, I wasn’t able to fully support my customers purpose for why my business exists.

When I figured this out – it was magical! I spoke their language by addressing their needs and wants, and then shared what I knew. The quickly realize that they weren’t being served by others the way the needed to be serve.

This became a pivotal moment in their Business Performance. Why? They found someone to provide them what they want AND needed. Then, I created every step of what I do to serve my potential customers and customers needs – nothing else!

Gandhi’s quote offers great insight for Small Business Owners

It is beneficial, regardless of what type of business you lead and what type of position you fulfill, for you to fully understand YOUR Customers Purpose to assure YOUR Business Success.

Brilliant Breakthroughs Big Customers Purpose Question for YOU:
How do you do to show YOUR customers that they matter most?
Please share in the comment section.

TIP: Get busy pondering this. Improve upon your current methods immediately!


Brilliant Breakthrough, Inc. provides Small Business Coaching & Strategies
to Simplify Strategies & Align Actions
for further Profitability, Peace, & Potential
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Brilliant Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. Get busy remembering why you do what you do. YOUR Purpose Matters!

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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