August 15


Business Owners being crushed by their To Do List

Business To Do List Hacks illustrated by a hand that has the to do list for work and home inked on palm.
Want 2 Hacks to help crush YOUR Business To Do List? Check this out!

Business Owners routinely being
crushed by their To Do List:
2 Powerful Hacks

To Do Lists seem to have grown exponentially over the past few years for Business Owners, but why? Could it be business is booming or is it that there are now more distractions than 10 years ago? Regardless Small Business Owners are constantly telling me they are being crushed by their never-ending To Do List. Worse yet, this significantly impacts Business Performance.

BUST OUT from Underneath Your Crushing To Do List!
2 Powerful Hacks:

Crushing To Do List Hack #1:
Create a Project To Do List – Not an Every Day Living List

Responding to emails, serving customers, and marketing YOUR Business’s offerings are daily and natural To Do List items. But are they really? Items like this are varied for Small Business Owners who wear many different hats. They’re equivalent to living’s eat, sleep, and breathe.

Do you write out any of these living items on YOUR To Do List? No, absolutely not. Then why would you bog down YOUR To-Do List with the natural occurring events of business? You shouldn’t. OK, I admit you might have to at first to create a routine or habit for yourself, but not after that.

I’m hearing many Small Business Owners share how they are overwhelmed. Immediately I ask them if they utilize a To Do List. They typically reply, “Yes.” Then I ask they to share what’s on their list. When Small Business Owners share their list, I commonly learn they have combine their Living List with their Business’s To Do List.

When I share how they have mixed the two lists together, they immediately understand how they have complicated their days. They also understand they actually have two lists to work. Of course I caution them to only place the unusual or special projects on the their To Do Lists – not everything. I encourage Small Business Owners to place the actionables of their projects on their To Do List and of course schedule these actionables on their calendar.

Crushing To Do List Hack #2:
Timing is Everything –  Give Yourself More

The other complaint I’m hearing from Small Business Owners is how “everything is taking much longer than it should”. If everything is taking longer than it should, wouldn’t it make sense to give more time to each project? Yes indeed it would!

The solution to Time-Frame Squeeze is a simple fix, I’ve coined as “cush” short for cushion. Why not give yourself a buffer or cushion between each of your appointments scheduled? How often does a call take longer, a commute get detoured, or a project involve much more than you anticipated? Too often?

Then I invite you to step into the role of “King or Queen of Cush” and manage YOUR Business Calendar’s Domain. Simply give yourself more time by scheduling cushion into YOUR day’s plan, especially when you plan your project time. Your stress level will drop immediately when you apply this concept. When this occurs, you will enjoy working again.

Which To Do List Hack is going to serve you better? Why will it improve YOUR Business’s Performance? Share your answer in the comment section and I’ll reply.


Start-UP, Clean-UP, or Step-UP YOUR Business Today!
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Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. Small Business Owners getting bogged down in the details is common. Utilize these hacks to minimize stress.

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at Thank you.


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