Timelines Guide YOUR Small Business Success:
Business Owners need to be accomplished-
Are you achieving your goals?
Timelines are nonstop for Small Business Owners (SBOs). Business strategies are designed to support you to accomplish more in less time. Do your current business strategies let you down? Is YOUR Business Performance lacking luster?
If you are like most SBOs, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” And we all know how frustrating this becomes.
This is blogpost from 2012 that I decided to updated. Why? It has great insights for you to gain today.
2012 Client Story about Honoring Timelines
Last week I sat with a client who is in her business’s busiest time of the year – she has a retail business. The date was Nov. 28th and what do you think we talked about? Probably not what you’re thinking.
We spent a whopping total of 5 minutes discussing wrapping-up November and December’s timelines and goals for her year to go out on a bang. The balance of our conversation focused on what is going to happen mid-January.
Now I know this seems odd, especially for retail. Retail business not putting out fires this time of the year is odd, but this particular client really understood how to be proactive and show up prepared. Thus, the rest of her successful 2012 was on automatic pilot via planning we completed months earlier.
Why getting ahead of YOUR Timelines matters
I share this with you because this is NOT how most businesses function – especially this time of year! Yes, this client is working to crush some targeted goals for this year, but her and her team aren’t all flustered over crushing their goals.
They were able to build a proactive business instead of a reactive business. This different mindset and approach (right thoughts and right actions) support them to honor timelines and commitments to fulfill their goals.
Yes, they are in their busiest season, AND they had their game plan with timelines to guide them. For several years I managed a retail store and everything seems relentless during the holiday shopping season. So I know firsthand how much of an accomplishment this was for this business.
Hats of to all of you who are on the same automatic pilot program as this client. You are a superstar among SBOs. Way to close out the year with a bang!
How does honoring timelines and commitments fulfill goals?
Why wouldn’t it?
I’m always amazed when many SBOs are still trying to figure out how they are going to wrap-up this year. Why? They should be focusing on what they want to make happen next year, while their day planner is following the plan to wrap-up this year. Ideally, next year’s plan should have been in place prior to December.
Quit procrastinating and own that you don’t have a solid plan for next year, specifically January. So what outcome do you think a non-plan will produce? It’s less than a month away so I’m sure it’s not the strongest leap into the the new year.
Next Steps for SBOs
Is this you? Are you still being crushed by timelines and commitments? Are you still too busy reacting so you don’t have enough time to be proactive? If so, don’t you think it’s time for a change?
Let’s be clear: this is the stuff that minimizes the rest of all your hard work… and this the crud keeping you up at night!
Do yourself a big favor for next year: Make the shift and get ahead of your own timelines!
If you don’t know how to do this for YOUR Business, call me or click on the the no-cost consultation link. This Master Business Coach covers the first round of conversation at no cost to you 🙂 Let’s talk! Who knows… you might even be able to sail through your year just like my client! Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
What are you waiting for? I help Small Business Owners simplify strategies and align actions so they can build profitable and peaceful businesses while step into their potential. Appreciate YOUR Business by showing up and leading it this year. Are you ready to gift yourself success?
In the comment section let us know what you want to learn about to successfully grow YOUR Business.
Thanks for allowing me to help you
Guide & Simplify YOUR Business Brilliance!
Simplifying Strategies & Aligning Actions to
Support Profitability & Peace for Small Business.
Customized & Brilliant Small Business Coaching:
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Blessings of Brilliant Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s. What can you to improve YOUR Business’s Bottom-line today?
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