July 30


Is scheduling a full day of productivity power move?

Small Business Coaching by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Topic: Scheduling Illustrated by 3 octopus hanging out to dry.
Stop scheduling yourself like you’re an octopus to be productive. Do this instead…

Is scheduling a full day
of productivity
a power move?

Scheduling a full day of productivity appears like a power move, doesn’t it? You want to be productive don’t you? Doesn’t your calendar have all those time slots for almost every hour throughout the day and weekend? Mine does.

Yet, for the past 15 years of research the results are conclusive: taking breaks and vacations will increase your productivity. YOUR Productivity and Business Performance needs you to take more time off. Isn’t this cool? Did you ever think a Master Business Coach would be telling you to take more time off to achieve YOUR Business’s Goals?

Proper Planning for Productivity

We are told that planning is a powerful productivity tool. I agree 100%. I would also add: proper planning is a powerful productivity tool.  

As a society, we don’t plan as well as we do busy. If we would learn how to properly plan, including breaks, we may not be so busy. 

“If perfection is the enemy of achievement; then busy is the enemy of productivity.”
~Maggie Mongan

We’ve shared many times how our society is addicted to busy. Right or wrong, it is a fact.

People have made lucrative careers teaching us how to be more productive. This is what I’d call maximization. We know maximization isn’t sustainable – not even for machines.

We have been conditioned to believe scheduling long and hard working hours is good. If we do this we are productive. We add value to society. Does this sound familiar?

Truth be known, these are false statements. Consistently, research reveals we perform better when we are refreshed. It also reveals we aren’t performing as well as we could be.

Optimization as a Goal to Improve Productivity

Maximization creates burn-out. Maximization is risky business. Have you ever experienced being maxed? Look at how you’ve been scheduling your days, weeks, months, and years. Go back and see the scheduling patterns you’ve created for yourself.

What if your productivity levels are already maxed out? 

If you think you’re maxed out – you are! Most high-producing Small Business Owners (SBOs) are maxed out. This may not be the team you want to be on, but you sure have plenty of company!

How do you shift from maximization to optimization?

Typically actively producing SBOs are maxed out. However, the shift required to optimization is so easy to implement it’s often ignored. If you can move beyond how your mind likes to complexify things, this will be one of the best strategies you’ll implement.

You need to schedule in human-time on your calendar. NOTE: You are human and require a good amount of downtime. Your mind and body require this for it to optimally function.

Just as your laptop takes a break and the screen goes to sleep, you need to take breaks too. Your laptop also has a hibernation mode. What’s yours? You laptop needs to a defrag and reboot from time to time. Humans would call these activities breaks and vacations to improve one’s performance.

10 Tips to Prevent being Overworked

For over a decade I’ve been writing, speaking, coaching, and training on the power of optimization instead of maximization. It’s a real challenge. I wrestle with this several times a year. How do I work to keep myself optimized? I’m continuously practicing these 10 tips:

  1. Develop my annual goals (personally and professionally).
  2. Schedule vacation times throughout the year before I plan work.
  3. Create 90 Day Sprints (Challenges) to complete longer projects.
  4. Take breaks after the 90 Day Sprints.
  5. Work my calendar monthly, then break it down to weekly tasks.
  6. Block schedule my calendar (working in time chunks). 
  7. Stack similar activities on my calendar.
  8. Plan one amazing work day, each week, to work without interruptions.
  9. Schedule all appointments digitally and project planning hard-copy (I’m a visual person).
  10. Start my day  with a daily practice of meditation and envisioning.

BONUS: I create “cushion” (create gaps of nothing scheduled) throughout my day to accommodate whatever needs attention.

Is scheduling a full day of productivity a power move?

No. It is not. A SBOs productivity power move is to plan for the human – you! Give yourself breaks, vacations, and gaps of cushion. Learn how to work these into your schedule. This is the productivity power move of SBOs.

If you need a guide to help you do this, click here for: YOUR No-Cost Consultation  and fill out the basic information.We’ll definitely get you moving in the right direction!

Which steps will you implement immediately into your routine to secure a stronger you and business? Feel free to share your plans here in the comment section. 

Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. 
Making it possible to Simplify Small Business Success!
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Maggie Mongan, #1 Bestselling Author
Master Business Coach & Trainer for Small Businesses
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s.:  Create brilliant outcomes through making better business decisions in real-time.

Copyright: Article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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