July 3


Pirates of the Caribbean (2017): Business Movie Review

Small Business Coaching by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Pirates of the Caribbean 2017 movie poster courtesy of IMDb.com
Pirates of the Caribbean 2017, teaching Small Business Owners to find their treasure!

Pirates of the Caribbean:
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Business Movie Review

Reviewing this movie will teach Small Business Owners
business strategies of
Behavioral Branding, Truth, & Backstories.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) wowed viewers into loving the stories of Captain Jack Sparrow, his mates, and their adventures once again. This installment was filled with wonderful chases, new and old relationships, blunders, and shenanigans – sound familiar?

What was even more important was we finally learned the backstory to the characters we’ve known since 2011. Were there surprises? Yes. Were there wrap ups? Yes. Were there new characters and story lines evolving? Yes. Were the visual effects and special effects phenomenal? Absolutely, even better than the first movie!

What makes this different is we understand who the characters are and why they matter. We discover the quest of each character we’ve met. Essentially, we now know who they are and what motivates them. As always, we won’t have any spoilers here! Enjoy watching the movie and learn how to improve YOUR Business Success.

Pirates of the Caribbean Business Strategy #1
Your Behaviors are Part of YOUR Brand

Regardless of whether you’re a good guy or not, branding pays-off! Captain Sparrow had a reputation of how he behaved. Were we surprised at his opening scene? No. We understood why the Captain was doing exactly what he was doing. Why? We’ve come to know how he behaves and expect this of him. His consistency has helped us brand, or label, him as such.

How do you show up in your marketplace? Are you behaving in a favorable manner to support YOUR Business Reputation/Brand? Are you behaving in a favorable fashion to attract favorable business relationships?

Pirates of the Caribbean Business Strategy #2
The Truth Shall Set You Free

Throughout Pirates of the Caribbean movies we’ve witnessed the plight which curses Captain Sparrow. Through a chain of events, he finally released the false belief of who he was and was able to step into his destiny. Knowing his truth allowed him to live into the life he desired instead of always having to settle for less than he envisioned.

As a Small Business Owner, which false belief have you adopted that’s really holding you back? You know that one falsehood that’s overall impeding YOUR Business’s Performance? If you know it, you’re doing much better than most who are unknowingly snagged by their falsehood. Now the next big question, what are you doing to do about it? TIP: Check the congratulatory message below.

Pirates of the Caribbean Business Strategy #3
The Power of Backstories

Finally, the main characters have their mysterious back stories revealed. The way each character made decisions and behaved was driven via their backstory. Why was something bartered for a bottle of rum? Backstory. Each scene is a psychologist’s dream for validating the power of backstory creating our lives as we know them to exist.

Backstory is important to YOUR Business Success. If you know why your customers respond to your message and what you’re offering, you’re utilizing backstory to create an impulse for customers to try your solution.

NOTE: Usually your understanding of how to effectively communicate to YOUR Marketplace begins with research. Then their backstory is what you use to create tantalizing marketing messages to attract, engage, and convert customers.

 If you’re saying, “Ooooh, I need to make some changes.”
Congratulations! What should you do next? Try this:

If you need help with any of these strategies or other business performance frustrations, just contact Maggie for a 30 minute conversation – either with a call or this link to discuss the gap between where you’re at and where you’d like YOUR Business to be Performing. Don’t worry, it’s not a sales conversation –  don’t bring a credit card because it won’t be accepted!

Feel free to share in the comment section which one of the Business Strategies from the Pirates (2017) movie would serve YOUR Business best right now?


Are you ready to Simplify YOUR Small Business’s Success?
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

This Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Movie Review is brought to you by:
Master Business Coach & Strategist Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Site & Blog: www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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