Jingle All the Way Movie Poster. Two dads fighting over a Christmas toy for their sons.
Christmas chaos? Could it have been avoided by being proactive? You decide! Jingle All the Way image credit: IMDb.com

Jingle All the Way:
Business Movie Review

“Jingle All the Way” movie will teach 
Small Business Owners business strategies of 
Priorities, Being Proactive, and Agility

Jingle All the Way (1996) is a classic good guy- bad guy Christmas movie wrapped up with a family struggling to be with one another more during the holiday season. Even though this was released over 30 years ago some of the key concepts in the plot haven’t changed much. Our research reveals that we stay at work longer than necessary, we still procrastinate, we still want to have it all, we still compete, and we sometimes forget about what is most important.

FYI: No spoilers here! Enjoy watching this PG movie. Besides the chase scenes and super-hero moments, you might just remember a tradition from your youth that you’d like to bring into this Christmas Season 🙂 There’s plenty of tips to improve YOUR Business Success ! 

Jingle All the Way Business Strategy #1

A father struggles with prioritization. He believes he can handle more time at work than his wife and son can manage. At work he’s a hero, while at home his absence creates frustration for his family. This isn’t just for the Holidays – it’s his routine. 

How many times do you try to get just a little more accomplished while cutting it a little too close or point blank missing another commitment? Commitments and priorities are promises. Are you breaking more promises than you realize? If so, take 2 hours to get your priorities on your calendar as appointments. Then, keep them!

Jingle All the Way Business Strategy #2 
Being Proactive

The main character struggles because he procrastinated in purchasing what he promised to purchase for his son’s ultimate Christmas gift. Thus, the story line twists like a candy cane into a series of events to find the sold-out “gift” for his son. All of the stress, chaos, and wasted time could’ve been avoided if he was more proactive.  

Do you find that priorities, proactiveness, and procrastination commonly end up rolled into one conversation? They do snowball into one at times for many Small Business Owners! If you are true to your priorities, being proactive isn’t as difficult as it could be.

How do you know you aren’t being proactive and your priorities aren’t aligned? Procrastination appears. It’s time to refocus on priorities when this happens.

Jingle All the Way Business Strategy #3 

The father has 3 different times when his agility is optimal: (1) when he is following the bouncing ball, (2) when we walks into a warehouse full of Santas, (3) when he is mistaken for another person and must take on that role. Essentially, he must adapt his behavior to the situation he is in.

How often throughout your work week do you have to adapt to your situation? Small Business Owners have plenty of opportunities to adapt on the fly. This is called agility.

Each day, create enough cushion in your day’s plan to allow yourself to effectively address what is appearing. Being agile, or nimble, is essential for YOUR Business Success Rate to excel.

Feel free to share in the comment section which one of the Business Strategies from Jingle All the Way (1996) movie would serve YOUR Business best right now?

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Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Movie Review is brought to you by:
Master Business Coach & Small Business Trainer Maggie Mongan
#1 Bestselling Author for Small Businesses

Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Site & Blog: www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com 
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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