Focusing on 5:
Concentrating Activities for Impact
I get how “Focusing on 5” may appear totally confusing at first. Don’t let this deter you from trying it out!
I feel so strongly about implementing this technique into YOUR Daily Practice that I’m updating the initially published post from 2012.
Let me share with you the simplicity of this high impact business technique and you’ll see how it’ll improve YOUR Business’s Performance.
Small Business Owners (SBOs), if you are looking for one thing to boost YOUR Productivity this year – this is it.
The Focusing on 5 technique will help you manage all what’s rolling around in your head all day long. Additionally, it will help you sort through the great ideas and those awful distractions you’re always thinking about.
Most importantly, routinely working the tactics of our Focusing on 5 technique will reveal which activities need to become your priority. You will zero in on YOUR Business’s Bullseye when routinely practicing this technique.
Why Focusing on 5 matters!
I know it’s very hard to believe that it is the second half of January, and yet it is!
Do you feel that time is flying by? I sure do.
January always seems to be bursting at the seams with endless activities for SBOs…
Christmas un-decorating, kids back in school, tax preparation, new goals being implemented, and winter activities abound. Let’s remember to add: working out regimes fortified, SuperBowl Sunday excitement, and planning sunny vacations.
Wow! Just writing that exhausts me!
Rather evident that much is occurring these days. So how did keeping your focus get lost in the middle of all this?
It’s common for SBOs to expand their activities to fill the day instead of working efficiently. If that’s you, you can change this immediately – if you’re dedicated to boosting YOUR Productivity!
Let’s help you gain focus this week by concentrating YOUR Efforts on the right things ASAP.
Each Day: Focusing on 5 Technique
1. Write down which 5 things will really impact your success TODAY.
2. Divide your list into immediate (today) and long-term projects.
3. Select the 3 things you must absolutely accomplish TODAY.
4. With the other 2 items, select one to complete in the short-term (next several days) and one that’ll take longer to complete.
5. Each day, build these 5 (from steps 3 and 4) into your appointment calendar where they’re most appropriate.
TIP: Don’t let your long-term project’s tasks slide into oblivion.
REMEMBER: You will meet your deadlines by doing an incremental amount of work each day.
Click here to see one of our favorite Business Movie Review on the Power of Incremental Action: What About Bob? starring Bill Murray.
BONUS: You’ll gain more sanity and confidence by consistently crushing YOUR Daily Action Items. When you align actions with YOUR Business Strategies magic happens!
I’m curious what SBOs are working on this year. Why don’t you share what’s showing up on YOUR Focusing 5 lists this week!
Brilliant Breakthrough, Inc. provides Small Business Coaching & Strategies
to Simplify Strategies & Align Actions
to Further YOUR Profitability, Peace, & Potential
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Blessings of Brilliant Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s. Slow down to have better vision to see what’s necessary. Then act appropriately.
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