January 18


Customer Obsessive Mindset Business Strategy

Customer Obsessive illustrated by a magnifying glass being held and magnifying the word customer.
Is YOUR Business Customer Obsessive? If not, it might be time!

Customer Obsessive Mindset Business Strategy:
YOUR Competitive Advantage

Customer Obsessive is a new concept I was introduced to recently. I am always working to improve Business Performance on one of my go-tos for years has been the fine folks of Forward Progress. When I was in a training session and I heard “Customer Obsessive” I became enthused. This crucial strategy obsessive isn’t a new concept for me, but this phrase is new.

What is Customer Obsessive
and Why it Matters!

Customer obsessive is just what it sounds like, being obsessed with YOUR Customer. Over the years we have discussed “YOUR Ideal Customer”. We define the Ideal Customer as: the customer you choose to serve, you have a product they want, you effectively communicate with them, and they purchase your offering.

Being customer obsessive involves going deeper than customer demographics or even psycho-demographics. It involves you tracking and understanding everything YOUR Ideal Customers is knowing, doing, and being. Additionally you can define the following:

  • geographically (where they hang-out)
  • financially
  • socially
  • spiritually
  • emotionally
  • mentally
  • food preferences
  • shopping habits
  • entertainment preferences, etc.

It’s as if you are a stalker; but for all the right reasons – serving YOUR Ideal Customer!

This is an important mindset for you to be in at all times as a Business Owner. The more aware, or customer obsessive you are, the greater YOUR Competitive Advantage will become. The more informed and consistent your mindset is, the more you support YOUR Business’s effectiveness and efficiency. When you can succinctly identify YOUR Ideal Customer your :

  • customer attraction
  • engagement
  • purchasing process
  • service
  • profit

significantly increases. Peter Drucker once stated, “The product of a business is a satisfied customer.” Actively keeping a Customer Obsessive Mindset to build a your ultimate product – a satisfied customer should be one of your ongoing activities.

Satisfied customers are the reflections of YOUR Business succeeding. How many customers are smiling back at you these days?

Please share your answer or ask any question in the comments section.


Start-UP, Clean-UP, or Step-UP YOUR Business Today!
Unique Customized Business Coaching to Help You:
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. Start the new year out with creating relationships to improve YOUR Business. If you’re in Wisconsin, come to a Wisconsin Business Owners Lunch and Learn

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