April 3


Vacation Time is valuable for Business Leaders

Vacation Time for Business Leaders
adds significant value to Business Success!

Image a sky with sun smiling, a big heart and a peace sign with a saying "I love vacation time!"
The Value of Vacation Time!

Vacation time is a hot topic for many business leaders and owners now. Why? It’s been a long winter, it’s time for fresh ideas, it’s the beginning of springtime, and summer fun times are nearing. Remember those days?

Remembering the Practice of Vacation Time

This past week I was speaking with a client and we discussed his holiday plans. He has pre-teen children and we discussed the fun of his family time. Then he asked me what my plans were for the Holiday Weekend. I shared that my husband was working on Sunday, and I would as well. Next he said, “Or… you could take a break.”

Ok, it took me a little while to own this because I’m on roll with a couple of projects and I’d have a whole day to “rock it”! But, this wonderful client of mine offered wisdom I once shared with him and I had to own the power of this truth. I am a believer in taking breaks because it is a wise health move, a great approach to mental clarity,  an excellent tool to improve productivity, and an emotional destressor.

The Value of Vacation Time

What do you think I did? Decided a “time out” would be good for my body, mind, spirit, and soul. I am taking a time out. Walk away from business for a bit and come back refreshed! The reminder what priceless.

We all need to remember to unplug. I’m a great proponent of “work hard; play hard”. I have a mini-vacation coming up next month so I thought I could push a little harder now. Rationalizing that during the motorcycle riding season I unplug plenty, but I forgot how this is equally important – right now!

How are you going to gift yourself with a vacation or mini-vacation over the next 10 days?

Write it down on your calendar and share it with others for accountability’s sake.
(Read my vacation time comment in the p.s. after signature.)

Supporting Quotes for Vacation Time

“Isn’t it amazing how much stuff we get done the day before vacation?”
~ Zig Ziglar

“The purpose of a vacation is to have the time to rest. But many of us,
even when we go on vacation, don’t know how to rest.
We may even come back more tired than before we left.”
~ Thich Nhat Hahn

“A vacation spot, out of season, always has a very special magic.”
~ Max von Sydow

Please feel free to comment on a way you gift yourself a vacation or mini-vacation to improve YOUR Business’s profit and success. 


If you want to discuss this strategy or something you need assistance with,
please call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation.

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan

p. s.: Vacation time is important to me and my husband. We both have strong work ethics and endured extremely long weeks over the year. We motorcycle ride every opportunity we get during the warmer months. Later this year we will join our nephew and his bride for a Destination Wedding in Hawaii, which should be a great vacation time! Courtesy of the United States Marine Corps, we lived in Hawaii right after we were married – in one way it will be like “going back home” for us!


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  1. I give myself plenty of summer breaks with weekends at Plymouth Rock Campground in my trailer. I go off on my Bike for great exercise, sun (hoping there’s a slight breeze), and grateful for the beauty of nature. I love coming back refreshed from the alone time with new inspirations of how to serve.

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