Small Business Owners exercising
daily independence
Independence Day conversations include topics of freedom, liberty, independence, and happiness. This past year I’ve been doing some very deep listening to Small Business Owners (SBOs) discussing such topics.
What do you think I learned? Yes, you guessed right. Those who spoke of these topics were the least successful of all. I found this fascinating!
Undeniably, Small Business Ownership allows freedoms to occur. Yes, there are SBOs who are romanticizing about such independence. They don’t appear to be as dependable as those who utilize their independence to support their business success instead of sabotage it.
Isn’t this interesting?
Below is a revisit of a blogpost (or at least a portion of it) that was initially published July 1, 2016:
The Pursuit of Happiness & Successful Business Ownership
The “pursuit of happiness” is a controversial phrase in The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.
Today we would call the 1700s “happiness” either luck or chance.
Nothing says independence stronger than one having the opportunity to secure their finances on their own terms.
Over 200 years after this document was created, SBOs are still on track with the original intention of this concept.
Let YOUR Business Work for YOU!
My followers know that I am a B-I-G proponent of working diligently and then playing it up large.
Here’s how to know how you need to pay for the second half of the year. Click on this article: How to Review YOUR Business Performance for the first half of this year. Apply what is stated. Then set your course to have a stronger second half of this year.
Profitable years don’t just happen. Great years typically involve strategy and execution of favorable strategies.
Gift yourself this over-simplified performance review. It will assure your pursuit of happiness is on track for the rest of this year!
Curious what America’s Declaration of Independence really says? It might surprise you!
Read it here: Declaration of Independence, 1776.
Have a safe and happy Independence Day America!
Do you need to tighten up on your Small Business Freedom to better support YOUR Business’s Success?
Start-UP, Clean-UP, or Step-UP YOUR Business Today!
Customized Business Coaching & Strategies:
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s. Closing out the first half of YOUR Business year reveals great clues!
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