Slowing Down will Accelerate YOUR Business’s Success
Do you feel like you have been on turbo speed lately?
Do you have a ton of ideas or activities you could be moving on?
Are you tired of not accomplishing what you want to – yet?
OK, so here’s the deal… for the past several weeks, even while at the lunch meeting I had today, I’ve been hearing from clients or other entrepreneurs how they feel “behind the 8-ball” in one fashion of another. Let me share just a little further. For most of them it is showing up: that projects are taking up to twice as long, or they have too many projects, or once they get started they realize there is even more that needs to be initially completed before moving on to the true project.
Slowing Down Matters to YOUR Success
This is a great conversation to be having this time of the year when we’re naturally in harvest mode and trying to move quickly before our “time is up”, and yet, time is a grand illusion! Time is a continuum of events – nothing more in reality; yet, we who manufactured this concept have become slaves to it! Indeed time is useful as it helps us synchronize events with each other, but it isn’t always serving us best as entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurial activities are more “spirited” in nature. Perhaps not the modality of your service/offering, but all the other activities, which bring you to a point of service and the internal operations of your business. This is why slowing down, at times, benefits your business’s success.
Far too often we are rushing to make a deadline (which was created by ourselves) and we feel successful, or not, if we make this artificial deadline. When this occurs, deadlines and quality tend to show up as polar opposites. Watch out! Dead-lines can kill you – yes the pun was intended 🙂
The Art of Entrepreneurship: Slowing Down
Need to share who you are, what you do, and why YOUR Ideal Customer needs you? Slowing down and taking enough time is the best business strategy to let these nuggets organically grow – allowing your sacred service to reveal itself to you. In return, you can then master a message which will ultimately land well on YOUR Ideal Customer (so they can determine if they should purchase from you or not). Slowing down is the key to your success in this creative part of the process.
A good friend of mine is a Life Coach. She is really great with what she does – by far one of the best I’ve met in my 10 years of coaching. She asked me for some advise as she’s doing some product development for a new program and it’s marketing. She was trying to rush through her product development stage so swiftly (yep, to meet an artificial dead-line) that she was actually losing all the gusto of what she was trying to create! Oh what we do to ourselves at times in just bizarre, isn’t it? So what do you think we did?
We agreed it was best for her to start slowing down and looking at what her objective was, as well as answer this question: “Are you delivering it powerfully?” Of course the answer was “no”. It didn’t have all the power (juice or uniqueness) she initially had intended. Then we had her go back to the beginning and produce it while slowing down and continually asking herself, “WHY am I doing all this?” As soon as she remembered the WHY it was easy to slow down because she recalled it’s significance for her ideal customer.
Here’s the Slowing Down Accelerator
Once she took a time out, regrouped her thoughts, and focused on slowing down, she was able to move at lightning speed – it was so cool to witness her totally re-aligned to her vision! She was inspired again – on fire- and rockin’ it 🙂
Slowing down helped her become crystal clear regarding what she wanted to develop and deliver to the world in a powerful way so it would serve people best! And let me tell you, from our conversation this week- she is delivering!
Slowing Down Inquiry & Action Item
Look at everything that is on your plate and know that is is all good! Take a deep inhale and exhaling breath. Then determine which one or two you can immediately start slowing down the process to assure your business’s success. Do you need to pull back and look at the quality you are producing? Do you need to change a dead-line? Or possibly both? Whatever it is, gift yourself this success accelerator 🙂
What’s your approach to slowing down to accelerate your business’s success? Please share your thoughts (in the comment section) so we have a good pool to consider when we are creating our strategies.
It can be all different this year…
if you plan to deliver different results in 2013!
If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750 FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.