Second Quarter 2015 is nearing an end…
how did you perform this quarter?
Second Quarters come and go; however, I believe they are a true sign of what is and isn’t working for a business. As you are wrapping up this second quarter of your yearly performance you probably have a pretty good idea if you are on track, about to be on track, or haven’t even found the stadium to get to the track! The driver in this photo is a winner.. Take a look, he’s ragged. There is another way to be a winner.
Second Quarter Awareness
This is the time of the year when many Business Owners-Leaders wake up and start focusing on gaining traction. It’s as if they are looking to find the track and rock it! I suspect that Second Quarter Awareness has to do with everyone seems to have heightened awareness at the end of 1st Quarters because of Year End Reports and Tax Filings. Then there is a different focus at the end of 3rd Quarters because it’s “time to get serious now that summertime is over”. Of course everyone has a 4th Quarter focus because of Year End numbers.
Why is the Second Quarter Important?
It is your year’s half-way point. Second Quarter Wrap-Up provides you with clues regarding how satisfactory your productivity levels have been this year. Other than Year End numbers, I believe Second Quarter numbers reveal where you need to place your focus for the rest of the year. Why? Reviewing your performance at a half way point offers you plenty of time to make changes, even if you need to experiment a bit, to produce your deliverables for the year.
Second Quarter Shifts
Now as this quarter wraps up you have an opportunity to make some incredible maneuvers to adjust how you will meet your Year End Goals. This can be fun; especially if you can quickly gain traction yet this quarter. If you can’t, that’s alright. At least you know you will start your 3rd Quarter very strong.
Do you know your performance/productivity numbers for your Second Quarter?
Know your numbers and become proactive to assure you are meeting them.
If you make adjustments now, while at the end of your second quarter, you will be ready to allow the magic happen by being proactive. Sure beats trying to gain traction while everyone is focusing on the Holidays. Don’t hesitate, start now to cross your finish line at the end of this year.
Please feel free to share in comments regarding your second shift awareness. What are your numbers revealing you need to focus on to support your business’s success?
If you need help – don’t wait. Reach out by direct dialing Maggie or click on the Contact Us Page and confidentially share what you’d like help with now.
Are you ready to get support to Improve YOUR Business’s Performance, Vision, & Profits
or to Simplify YOUR Strategies & Actions to Streamline YOUR Success?
Please call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation.
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan
p. s. If you assessed your second quarter and learning how to speak to an audience or improve your sales will help you gain traction this year, register now at Wisconsin Business Owners on June 26th.