Maximizing Performance

What do you need to know about maximizing performance?
Do you know the pitfalls of maximizing performance?
How can you optimize performance?

Sign in handwriting saying, "Try CHANGE as a Business Strategy" referencing not maximizing performance/
No more maximizing performance!

Maximizing performance of yourself and your business isn’t an easy task. I personally believe that it is because maximization should NOT be our goal! Why would a coach who is all about performance improvement say such a thing? Probably because with all her years of experience and assisting clients she notices how maximizing performance isn’t best!

What’s important to know about maximizing performance?

It’s almost too simple for our minds to grasp. Maximizing performance isn’t appropriate. Therefore, it is very difficult to sustain, if it is even attained! I believe the few times that maximization may be “attained” it really isn’t maximization; it’s optimization.

My co-author, Dr. Jo Anna Rakowski, shared one of her organizational models of performance with me. She refers to an equalizer (think back to our much younger years with all those stereo components). Dr. Rakowski concludes that an organization, just like a stereo, doesn’t function best if you maximize all your inputs or resources. I instantly agreed with this because I have been working on the concept of optimization for over 20 years.

It is practical to push everything to its maximum and expect it to perform well. Think of the stereo’s equalizer. The equalizer doesn’t perform appropriately or harmoniously to produce the best sound. Business isn’t any different. Additionally, people aren’t either. It’s all about finding the “sweet spot” where everything is harmonized – that, is optimization!

What are the pitfalls for maximizing performance?

Do you feel like you are maximized? Maxed out? Not enough _____ ? Are you sleeping enough, eating properly, or even getting enough physical exercise? Do you have enough time to do what you need to, much less what you want to do? Are people making your life easier or more complicated, which complicates your progress and slows it down? Feeling stressed?

These are all signs of maximization. I’m not speaking of having a push for a project, but being expected to consistently deliver at a high level: maximizing performance! But what if there was another way to be extremely productive, perhaps even more productive?

Maximizing performance can also impede progress and success

How? If you are reading my blog on the site, you are noticing that I have a different look, feel, and function to my website. Yes, this project of developing a new website is a fine example of not maximizing. I’m referencing when my tech savvy ninja team leader, Keith at OnYourMark, LLC  and I decided to launch this new website (in Sept 2014) before it was completed. We decided that “once it was better than my original site” we would transfer everything over to this one. Why? It serves you better and it is a better reflection of where we are headed… even if it’s incomplete!

Optimization of our website presence and visibility of services for you would have been impeded if we tried to maximize instead of optimizing. Now clients have direct access to their private support services, you can follow us on a multitude of social media platforms, you can even make an appointment to speak with me directly through our new calendar scheduling option, and you can sign up for our blog posts or our monthly newsletter which will start in October. This is progression via optimization vs. stagnation via maximization.

*Hope you check out the site often… much more will be showing up: full services descriptions, more resources, informative videos and audios to help you optimize leadership and business performance.

How do you optimize your performance or your business’s performance?

Stop pushing everything – most importantly, everyone! Everyone is already maxed out. Doubt me? Are you getting plenty of sleep? Do you leisurely drive to work or do you get caught in “rush” hour?

7 Steps to Banish Maximizing Performance and move to Optimizing Performance

1. Give yourself a time out and breathe.
2. Press the “Pause” button.
3. Reread this post.
4. Consider the new possibility of optimization.
5. Pick one area to optimize performance instead of maximizing performance.
6. Implement the optimizing strategy you choose.
7. Repeat.

Try it! Last night one of my clients said, “This stuff is simple, it’s easy, and it works! What other stuff can you tell me to do?”

Any questions or comments, please feel free to share in the comments section!


If you want to discuss how to strategize or a particular strategy you need some assistance with,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan


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