May 6


Customer Purpose is Your Business

Customer Expert: Mahatma Gandhi by posted by Maggie Mongan, Business Rescue Coach of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Customer Expert: Mahatma Gandhi Image by

Customer Purpose is YOUR Business?

Are you dependent upon your customer?
Do you know your customer’s purpose?
Are you serving your customers best?

I just ran across the following quote from Mahatma Gandhi regarding customers. Why would a peace activist speak about customers you ask?  Well, he was an attorney. And yes, attorneys need to know about customer satisfaction as well!

Here’s a fabulous quote by Gandhi:

A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Are you dependent upon YOUR customer?

If your initial answer is “no”, I’d like for you to rethink that. Unless you are independently wealthy, the answer should be “yes”!  Without a customer, nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter if you have a great product. It doesn’t even matter if you have slick technology. What does matter is that you have a customer to experience all you do, and all the support steps you and your team performs in order for your customer to have a great experience with you. You probably are dependent upon your customers, but haven’t quite thought of it as such.

Do you know YOUR customer’s purpose?

As a Business Leader it is important to identify purpose to every aspect of your business, isn’t it? Well, then why not start with the one reason you are in business… to serve a customer. Regardless of whether you are an executive or entrepreneur, or anyone in between, understanding the importance YOUR Customer and their purpose is key to your success. Either you are directly working with the customer or you are supporting those who do. For those of you who have a call center that means that Jane, from the customer service help line, is who you should be supporting directly or indirectly! How do you like that for an eye opener!?!?!?

Your customer’s purpose is to purchase from you… that is the one circumstance required to be a customer. This one simple act of making a purchase is what qualifies someone to become a customer. When they take this one action, all the activities you’ve created are purposeful. Yes, it really is this simplified 🙂

Are you serving YOUR customers best?

Customers want what they want. It’s a pretty simple clue. If you are smart, you will fill that specific want. However,what do you do if you aren’t smart and wise?  Wisdom comes from research and tenure. Often times, clients don’t know what they need, but they think what they want is what they need. Yet, until you are wise enough to know that some times they don’t know what they need, you aren’t an expert yet!

When I start working with clients it is usually because they either want to make more money (with their current business) or they are ready to step into their vocation (start a new business that will bring them peace and joy). They aren’t thinking about how they need to develop Purpose, Vision, and Mission Statements, which ultimately manage their whole business. And they surely don’t think their core values are important to creating a Brilliant Business that is purposeful, blazing with passion, and is quite profitable while simultaneously creating a satisfying vocation. They are unaware this is what they need (as well as the particular success sequence to amplify its impact); yet, I can assure you that this is what best serves them to be able to fulfill their want.

Gandhi brings up a great awareness. It is beneficial, regardless of what type of business you lead and what type of position you fulfill, for you to fully understand your customer’s purpose as best as you can!

What do you do to show YOUR customer they matter the most? Share in the comment sections so we can learn from each others 🙂


Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. 
Making it possible to Simplify, Transform, 
& Optimize 
Small Business Success!

Reach out to Maggie for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan


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