Business Owners
take care of yourself
“Take care of yourself!”, how often do you hear this? Here’s a better one, how often do you remind others of this? Probably a little more, right? But are you doing it too? YOUR Business’s Success depends on you doing this well.
I’m writing about this because I know quite a few Small Business Owners (SBOs) who are really pushing their limits. A couple of them are already high performers and they are cranking it up to the new level of performance – big time!
Heck, I’ve even been pushing it for 2 big deadlines this weekend and will not achieve what I intended. So I’m momentarily settling for Plan B.
Why am I redesigning my goal? My body gave out. I had a significant motorcycle accident 3 years ago which brought my life to a screeching halt.
Extreme self-care was required, leaned on friends for help, and did an enormous amount of therapy to be functioning again. However, now I’ve learned I shouldn’t have stopped all that additional self-care.
Recently I’ve learned some significant things have crept up again. After a grueling, but good massage session yesterday, I have surrendered again. Not only did the massage therapist tell me, “Now , take care of yourself…”, she also emailed me last night to make sure I was fine. FYI: That’s great customer service!
All this has been frustrating for me because I do take care of myself. As I’ve stated over and over here: high performers deliver an enormous amount of output, which must be balance by an enormous amount of input (self care). There must be balance or you burn out – especially for SBOs.
Brilliant Breakthroughs Big Question:
Do you take care of yourself?
What does that mean? Do you take care of yourself regarding taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and financial aspects of your life?
Each day, we need more care than we realize. We also need to continuously keep our self-care regime in our favor!
Why does this matter? SBOs have an enormous amount of stress. Each day, the multiple hats we wear take their toll on us mentally, emotionally, and physically. We need to be mindful of this and work to offset it via intentional self-care.
NOTE: The rest of this year is going to wrap-up quicker than you can imagine. Please by good to yourself and those you love.
You are YOUR Business’s greatest asset!
Don’t short-change yourself and YOUR Business’s Success.
Take the time now to start your new self-care regime to help you move through this year’s wrap-up with minimal collateral damage.
What am I doing? I’m making regular appointments with my self-care experts to alleviate the interference within my own system.
Go ahead and answer this is in the comment section (some of us might need some new ideas): What are you going to do for yourself?
Start-UP, Clean-UP, or Step-UP YOUR Business Today!
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Blessings of Brilliant Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s. As SBOs, we are the key to everything that happens in our business. Come prepared to win!
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