May 4


Office clean up immediately improves your productivity

Office clean up illustrated by a message desk with boxes, tax documents, endless stack of messy papers and a hand calculator.
How’s your springtime office clean up coming along? Here’s some encouragement!

Office clean up immediately improves
your productivity

Office clean up can be one of the best things you do this week to feel more productive. What on earth am I talking about?

YOUR Business Success depends upon you being effective and efficient. One of the best ways to do this is to have a clean workspace.

Last week I heard Laura Gramann, a professional organizer of Pieces into Place state, “30% of our time is spent looking for documents“. This blew me away! This isn’t good news. Do the math. That’s more than one workday each week. Yikes!

Brilliant Breakthroughs Big Question:
Look around your workspace, do you see cleared surfaces or stuff?

Too often we start a project and get interrupted by one thing or another. If it’s sales closing, congrats! Don’t change a thing except do a little office clean up after such a great accomplishment.

If it’s not about closing sales, and you just keep churning  from on thing to the next without any office clean up – small or large, it becomes one big mess! Now, I’m not talking about when you are in the middle of a project. I’m referencing the end of a project or the end of the day. I’ll even be so bold as to suggest: take a moment at the end of each week to do some office clean up. Then you can start next week with a clean slate.

TIP: Start Here for YOUR Office Clean Up
Select only one area of your workspace.

  • Your Mission is to get to the surface of this workspace.
  • Begin by putting all those books, binders, sticky notes, mail, and papers where they belong.
  • Keep working this one area until you are at the surface level of that space.
  • Appropriately wipe down that workspace.
  • Place only what is needed back into that space. Of course you can put things there which inspire smiles.

Office clean up does take time. It’s time well spent. Considering if you don’t do this, you’re wasting 30% of your time looking for documents. This is extremely beneficial.

Here’s one more tip about and extended workspace. Read Throw Away YOUR Briefcase article from 2012.

Additionally, we know that mentally and emotionally you produce more when you work in a clean and organized environment. Note: Don’t feel guilty about calendaring some office clean up time. Research validates you will get a high ROI if you do.

What’s your greatest difficulty you have with organization or productivity? Share your answer in the comment section.


Start-UP, Clean-UP, or Step-UP YOUR Business Today!
Customized Business Coaching & Strategies:
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. If you need assistance for YOUR Office Clean Up reach out to Laura Gramann of Pieces into Place. She’s very impressive!

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at Thank you.


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  1. Great follow-up to our Wisconsin Business Owners Special morning session last Friday, Maggie! Kudos for mentioning Laura Gramann of Pieces into Place. She is, indeed, very impressive! So are you! Great to see your posts, like clockwork, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

    1. Thanks for noticing Keith! Laura Gramann is noteworthy indeed. Doing 3 training posts weekly to support Business Owners is an invitation to improve excellence and at times pretty darn fun! Thanks for sharing from time to time.

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