December 30


Jack Frost (1998): Business Movie Review

Jack Frost Movie poster with a big magical snowman and the family of Jack Frost with his wife and son in front of the snowman wearing a red scarf and black hat.
Jack Frost Business Movie Review helps you be the coolest Business Owner!

Jack Frost (1998)
Business Movie Review:

Jack Frost teaches us about
the business strategies of
Bullying, Priorities, & Promises

Jack Frost (1998) is a great wintertime PG rated movie. Michael Keaton plays Jack Frost, a lead singer in a very rocking band, who is trying to get the one big break. Jack is also a loving father and husband who wants more for his family. The opening scene sets the tone for this unusual movie. Jack is pouring his heart out on stage and an agent notices the band. Sorry, no spoilers here. Charlie (Jack’s son) walks out of school and into an eternal Christmas Break of bullying by older kids. Jack’s wife comes home from work and contends with an ongoing leaking kitchen sink issue.

Jack who is always on the road with the band, promises his son that the family will have “private family Christmas time up at the cabin”. Of course the promise is broken and the family’s life is altered forever. Then something magical happens which creates the rest of the story.

I know this is an unconventional way of sharing business strategies and tips with Business Owners. Yet this Business Coach knows we all like learning differently! I hope you watch the movie after reading this Business Movie Review.

Jack Frost has many topics and tips to improve YOUR Business’s Performance. It was difficult narrowing it down to only these three. FYI: We have over 12 Christmas themed movies under the Business Strategies Movie Review Category. They’re listed on our Business Strategies Blog Page. Most of our 40+ Business Movie Reviews are family viewable.

Jack Frost Business Strategy
#1 Bullying

Bullying is a theme throughout the movie. Charlie succumbs, stands up, and even overcomes the bullies. Later we learn why the main bully behaves the way he does. Eventually Charlie pierces the tormented heart of this bully with a special request. Then they get busy collaborating.

Do you see bullying happening in the workplace? Often times I see 4th graders, as adults showing up at work, yet behaving as if they are still on the playground. This is more common than most of us want to admit. What can you do to improve upon bullying when you encounter it in the workplace?

Jack Frost Business Strategy
#2  Priorities

Fact: Jack is a professional musician. Jack is on the verge of “making it big”. He is dedicated to his career and family. He travels extensively for the better gigs. Why? To get noticed and for his family to have the best. What Jack tends to forget is that they need and want him in their lives more than he is.

Who and what is most important to you? Is it obvious to others who and what your priorities are? If not, you might not be living into your priorities as much as you believe. Small Business Owners are no different than other Business Leaders, they can get their priorities confused as well. This happens. The question becomes: When you figure out this is you, what are you going to do about it? I suggest you start with adjusting your calendar to reflect your priorities.

The Jack Frost Business Strategy
#3 Promises

Jack is torn. He wants it all. He’s on the verge of having it all. Then he remembers what’s most important his family. He makes a promise. Then Jack breaks a promise. Everything changes with one broken promise.

When my children were young, I heard a friend’s children complain about how she always broke promises to them. Taking heed from their experience, I went out of my way not to make promises to my children. Life can be disappointing enough for children. None made; none broken. It simplified our lives.

Do you make promises? Are commitments or appointments the same as promises? Yes! In business we must make commitments, agreements, and appointments. I only commit to what I know I can deliver. These are all expectations of how we “play together”. Hopefully we play well together. Are you breaking more of your promises than you’d like? If so, what are you going to do differently to eradicate this unfavorable behavior?

Which Jack Frost business strategy would serve YOUR Business best right now? Feel free to leave your answer in the comment section.


Are you ready to get support to Improve YOUR Business’s Performance, Vision, & Profits?
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This Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Movie Review is brought to you by:
Master Business Coach Maggie Mongan
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan

Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Site & Blog:
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
Waterford, WI  USA

p.s. Want to stay on top of movies to impact your success? Every Friday afternoon I tweet a link to a different Business Movie Review. Further simplify your success at:  @BrilliantBlogr.


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