February 8


Cure for business owners self sabotaging desired success

Self sabotaging business success illustrated by a train having several train boxes being derailed in a rural setting.
Are your self sabotaging ways derailing YOUR Business Success?

Business Owners seeking a cure for
self sabotaging success

A you a master of self sabotaging your success?
Is your business being sabotage by it’s owner?

Self sabotaging is one of the most common behaviors of humans. Doubt me? The self-help industry is a thriving industry! Look at your book titles. How many of them are about improvement? YOUR Business Performance is directly related to how well you are minimizing your self sabotaging activities.

Most of us are masters of sabotage. Unfortunately self sabotaging activities run rampant!

As a Business Coach, I see Business Owners fall
into three different categories of “Business Owner Sabotage”

  1. Too much thought; not enough aligned action (dreamers)
  2. Too much action; not aligned actions (busyness snag)
  3. No clarity of direction (confusion)

Each one of these is the outcome of self sabotage. Why? You already know that if you aren’t accomplishing your goals or performance milestones something must change. Yet most Business Owners won’t take action upon gaining assistance to make the transformation happen. They are in denial or lazy.

OK, there’s one type of Business Owner who really wants the cure to self sabotaging their success – this Business Owner is the worst. They hire an expert to coach, train, consult, or teach them. Then they don’t do what they’re taught. Often they’ll put their twist on how to do it better instead of just doing it. This only perpetuates more frustration. It supports un-success.

What’s the cure to self sabotaging your business success?

CURE: Aligning your actions to your thoughts. More than 20 blogposts I’ve written here address “Right Thoughts: Right Actions”. Why do you think this is so? It is one of the great keys to success or accomplishment. Remember: Success breeds success.

TIP: If you are going to engage someone to help you find the cure to your self sabotaging ways, please do exactly what they recommend. Nothing is more important than you following the path to success. Get on that path and only look forward until you’ve mastered it! If you want to be a master follow a master.

Are your self sabotaging ways negatively impacting YOUR Success and YOUR Business’s Success? If so, either share what you keep bumping into or how you overcame it. Please share in the comment section.


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Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. Self sabotage is natural. It can be managed and even conquered.

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Republishing in its entirety is not permitted. The internet is about sharing. Please share up to 200 words with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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  1. Great Post! I find myself self sabotaging in all three ways, just not at the same time. Planned, decisive action has helped me to work through the rough spots. Great observations here. Thank You!

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