June 26


Daring Business Owners-Leaders honored by Brilliant Breakthroughs Inc

Daring Business depicted by 2 people working on each track of a railroad track.
Daring Business Moves

Daring Business Owners-Leaders:
Is it all worth it?

Daring business is part of the game. It’s a big part of business, which is often referred to as a game. But why do we lose ourselves when we play the game? Maybe an old friend, can shed some light on this.

“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily.
To not dare is to lose oneself.”

~Soren Kierkegaard

Isn’t this a great quote? I appreciate it. I believe it summarizes why Business Owners-Leaders are will to take the risk. I would even venture to a majority would immediately relate to the above quote. Daring business is more common than most of us realize.

Varieties of Daring Business

Daring Business comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. To one daring business business could be just claiming what their business does or opening a business checking account. To another it could be investing their own money on them self. Others could see daring business as sales or social media. The list of daring business is endless – with the exception of one common element: daring.

My Real-time Daring Business Story

Recently a business service provider asked me why I’m going into more social media and video for my business. He said, “Your business has been established for a decade and is successful.”  I said, “Yes, it is. But now my message is so big, I just can’t contain it any longer! It needs to get out. I must overcome any notions I have about a camera because it’s more important for others to hear my message than my personal hang ups.” To which he simply laughed and congratulated me. Thanks for letting me share my more recent daring business story.

All Business Owners having Daring Business Stories

Today, you are living one of your daring business stories. You may have become immune to it noticing it as such because it, and the dozen other daring business stories you have created and are living into are familiar and frequent to you.

Brilliant Breakthroughs Big Question:
How are you allowing your “momentarily lose footings” to hold you back?

Brilliant Breakthrough Big Tip: 
Remember, it’s not about you. It’s about the service you provide others.

If you are struggling with living through the daring side of your business success story, you are making it all about you instead of the offering you are creating to serve humanity. If you shift your focus to your customers gaining the solutions they seek, you will be able to stabilize you actions and proceed with great certainty.

Click on Adventures to read a little more about the different adventures Business Owners-Leaders are living into and how to do it with greater ease.

Feel free to leave a comment about which daring business activity has had you experiencing lose footing…


Are you ready to get support to Improve YOUR Business’s Performance, Vision, & Profits
or to Simplify YOUR Strategies & Actions to Streamline YOUR Success?
Please call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation.

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-71
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan

p. s. Today I’ll be at the Lunch and Learn of Wisconsin Business Owners in the Milwaukee Area: http://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/. These brave souls, AKA: Wisconsin Business Owners, will be diving into how to make great presentations which convert to sales. Looking forward to seeing everyone again and learning.


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