November 16


Change can be good and drive newfound success

Master Business Coaching by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. illustrated by shoe imprints and "the next step" written in chalk- Change can be good for Small Business.
Small Business Owners need to embrace change for newfound success. Change can be good!

Change can be good and
drive newfound success!

Change can be good is more than an ideal; it is a reality in many cases. When was the last time you changed something and it turned out pleasant or positive? What about making a change to improve YOUR Business’s Profitability?

I assure you, change can be good.

My personal change can be good story of Fall 2016

Three weeks ago, I sat at Brendon Burchard’s Expert Academy LIVE Event. I attended because I’m a member of this Expert’s Academy and Brendon is an expert I follow for best practices of high performance. It was phenomenal. I strongly encourage every Small Business Owner who wants to improve their Business Success to attend this event.

I had endless experiences of re-framing my approach to business and learning some of the gritty tactics to help with some new strategies I created while at the event. I’d like to share 2 moment of change with you.

Change #1: Brendon was speaking and then he said to do something I had never considered for my business. I simply never thought about adding it to what I do and it is very simple. Ready for this? It’s my business’s missing link. Coolio!

Imagine my excitement and frustration all in one, once I saw the genius of this one thing I needed to get infused into my business immediately! It was so significant I almost cancelled the cruise I was booked for on the following week. Yep, that big of a game changer.

Change #2: Then, there was something else that was said and validated throughout the event. I said I wasn’t going to implement this one thing into my business because I had a different process that was established and I already knew how to make it work. Wrong! This new system had all the bells and whistles and it was much more efficient than my current process. I surrendered with a deep sigh and said, “Change can be good… change CAN be good!”

OK I admit there will be a learning curve at first, but in the end this change will save me endless hours for years to come. As I reflect back, I silently chuckle about how simple this new change is and the grand impact it will have on my business.

Brilliant Breakthroughs’ Change can be good Big Question:
What new strategies or actions are you holding back from implementing?

We all have one or two we know we don’t want to step into. What’s yours? What’s keeping you frustrated and not stepping into your profit, peace, or potential?

For almost 15 years, I’ve helped Small Business Owners simplify strategies and align actions so they can experience a profitable and peace-filled business while stepping into their potential. Repeatedly I’ve witnessed Small Business Owners (SBOs), especially in the start-up phase, resist the one thing their business need most.

It’s always hard to see them resist their business’s turning point. Sadly, some SBOs never move beyond this resistance and stay stuck.

I wish I could wave a magic wand over their business a make it all better for them. However, just like my ah-ha moment two weeks ago, other SBOs must come to their own realizations to improve their business performance. Then start getting busy aligning actions with simplified strategies. If you want to have a conversation to figure out where to begin, click: YOUR No-cost Consultation today.

Are you ready to experience change for the better? If so, feel free to comment or ask questions in the comment section.


Start-UP, Clean-UP, or Step-UP YOUR Business Today!
Simplify Small Business Coaching & Strategies:
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Brilliant Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. Remember to have fun making it happen!

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at Thank you.



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