April 22


Bridges of Spies Business Movie Review

Bridges of Spies Movie (2015)
Business Movie Review

Bridges of Spies Movies poster illustrated with Tom Hanks face (as the negotiator) positioned with a large American flag behind him and a small Russian flag of to his side.
How many Business Strategies can you learn from watching the Bridge of Spies movie? Image Credit: IMDb.com

Bridges of Spies teachebusiness strategies of
Negotiation, Appropriateness, & Compromise 

Bridges of Spies (2015) is inspired by a true story during the Cold War. An American pilot and others are captured by the enemy. The American government asks a successful Insurance Lawyer to negotiate a prisoner exchange with the enemy.

Donovan, played by Tom Hanks, is a man of great conviction. He is focused on completing his mission while doing it appropriately. At times, he is so unwavering that what he says is humorous. Thus, his track record continues with another great success. How Donovan serves America after these events is nothing short of heroic. 

Bridges of Spies Business Strategy
#1 Negotiation – The Art & Science

Donovan was tasked with a mission to negotiate. Donovan negotiates every move he makes or must take to get to his end game. He doesn’t settle for anything less than his objective.

How savvy are your negotiation skills? The art of negotiation is to satisfy each party so they feel satisfied. When you master the art of negotiation each party wins. Review YOUR Business’s negotiations. Are they strong? Do you know the science AND the art of negotiation? If you do, you will create stronger relationships and improve YOUR Business’s Performance.

 Bridges of Spies Business Strategy
#2 Appropriateness – “Doing what’s right”

Donovan’s job requires him to continuously take on tasks which many don’t like or approve. His job is to diplomatically enroll everyone to do what is necessary and appropriate to fulfill his mission. Commonly stated, Donovan’s task is to do the right thing in many unfamiliar circumstances.

Doing what’s right isn’t necessary appreciated nor popular. Throughout each day Business Owners make a multitude of decisions. Appropriateness is the ideal. It should be our aim with each decision. This is how we achieve conducting business in a good way. All it takes is a little more sensitivity and gumption. It matters. Go for it!

Bridges of Spies Business Strategy
#3 Compromise

At one point, Donovan is left to fend for himself as The Wall is being built to divide the East and West in Germany. He is approached by young men who bully him for his winter jacket. He has a cold and isn’t eager to give up his jacket. Yet, he knows what his mission is. This situation is impeding his progress. However, Donovan didn’t compromise his end goal.

Do you compromise enough or too much? YOUR Business Success depends on you appropriately compromising. Compromising is about settling. Typically, progress occurs when one finds a middle ground to settle upon. Often times minor compromises must occur to ultimately secure YOUR Business’s Goal.

Which Bridges of Spies business strategy would serve YOUR Business best right now? Please leave your answer in the comment section and let’s learn from each other! 


Are you ready to get support to Improve YOUR Business’s Performance, Vision, & Profits?
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This Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Movie Review is brought to you by:
Master Business Coach & Strategist Maggie Mongan 
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Site & Blog: www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

p.s. Every Friday afternoon I tweet a link to a different Business Movie Review. Further simplify your success at:  @BrilliantBlogr.


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