Nourishing Your Proactive Brain:
Today’s Business Strategy
Business Rescue Coach Maggie asks you:
Do you feed your brain daily?
Are you looking for new ways to be mentally agile?
Do you introduce new concepts and experiences to yourself and mind?
YOUR Business Strategy today is to assess if you are nourishing your brain enough for it to become a “proactive brain”? I want to share a reading about the “proactive brain” (quotation marks because this comes from Harvard Business Reviews’ Management Tips, 2011 book). When I read this, I immediately thought of a study a read a good while ago (don’t recall who the researcher was) that I often quote: The study stated the most effective CEOs had only one thing in common: they envisioned their company and its successes for at least 20 minutes each day. Each one of my clients has heard this from me, as this is part of their daily success practice. Do you like that? Daily Success Practice 🙂 Do you have one?
HBR’s management tip address how you can become much more effective in dealing with current situations and planning for the future properly if you have a good memory. So how do you build a good memory so you have plenty of data to pull from when it’s your decision-making time?
Nourishing Your Proactive Brain:
Information Storing for the Future
The more information you have to pull from when it is time to make a critical decision or plan for your future’s success, the more likely you are to make a favorable decision. Why? If you have been nourishing your mind, as we have discussed in prior posts on this topic, you will have more wisdom to consider during decision-making times. Thus, wiser choices are made.
Nourishing Your Proactive Brain:
People, a Rich Resource
Research is one great resource, but what about people? People hold a deep well of wisdom- and almost each person is just busting at the seams to share it! Do you remember when you were a child and the adults were sharing stories? I recall these conversations quite vividly decades later!
This just happened to me yesterday: I went to a dear friends great summer picnic – wish I could’ve stayed longer! There was a women there, who last time I saw her she revealed she was looking forward to an upcoming convention. When I saw her at the picnic, I asked her if the convention was as inspiring as she anticipated. In return, she shared the overall message of the convention and then shared several resources which would be quite beneficial for me and my business’s growth.
Imagine for a moment, what a gift this was… just because I was asking someone about their trip! She shared so much I will have to send her a message to get the names of the organizations I need to scout out 🙂 And I am grateful! Why? I don’t know how this fits into my Business’s Success Plan, but I will be exploring (this is the proactive brain action, in action) and share with others when the time arises!
Nourishing YOUR Proactive Brain:
Time Outs Are Productive
Now I know that taking a time out may seem counter-intuitive to your effectiveness and efficiency, but I’m here to tell you it is one of the best tools to have a major breakthrough!
I’ve dubbed professional timeouts as “pauses”. Pauses are like recess for your mind and/or body. Pauses allow you to focus on something different for a bit. NOTE: Pauses are not distractions! (Warning: Don’t go through your emails and social media for a pause- you will only add another layer to breakthrough.)
Pauses come in many shapes and sizes and allow your proactive brain to meander through all the information you have stored. Our proactive mind must sift through a ton of informational debris we have kept over the years to allow for the appropriate information we are seeking to surface– must like champagne bubbles 🙂
How do you assist YOUR Proactive Brain?
Do you take a quick break and look at a photo or artwork to take your mind elsewhere for moments? Do you leave your workspace and step outside for a couple minutes of fresh air? Do you take a walk during lunch? Do you even take enough breaks throughout your workday? Me, I do all and any of that as well as some yard work or gardening (yes, I realize not everyone works out of there home). There is always one thing I can do to help my proactive brain proceed… I walk over to my empty whiteboard and allow everything to appear there!
To allow our mind to be proactive, sometimes we just need to allow it to roam freely. Often, I experience it’s own intelligence finds what is needed in the deep troves of stored information and brings it to the surface when needed. Yet, you can only do this if you continuously nourish your mind!
Today’s Nourishing YOUR Proactive Brain Action Items
1. Find new ways to nourish your brain so you can be proactive. Whether it’s new material, new people, or experiences, it will all help you.
2.Review this blog to give you some further insights regarding how to expand your knowledge base professionally.
Are you ready to Nourish Your Proactive Brain? Why don’t you share what you will focus on for the next month and feel free to “Leave a Reply & Comment” so we can all help each other build Brilliant Businesses 🙂
It can be all different this year…
if you plan to deliver different results in 2013!
If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750 FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Business Rescue Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Daily Success Practice!!!! Love it!
Yep, you heard it here first 🙂