3 Tips from Jellyfish to
Smooth Business Performance
Has your business performance been chopping or sporadic this past year? If so, you aren’t alone AND it doesn’t need to stay this way. Let’s see what we can learn to smooth business performance from an unlikely teacher.
Recently I was reflecting upon a trip we took to the Outer Banks of North Carolina years ago. This was quite the trip. Even though we lived there for almost 5 years, courtesy of the US Marine Corps, we had never been to the Outer Banks (OBX). We remedied this and experienced some really cool things in a far-too-short of a trip. I’d like to share one with you.
It was my experience with jellyfish at the aquarium. I wish I could’ve stayed and watched them for about another hour, but that wasn’t in our plans. My followers know I’m a big fan of nature. I enjoy reflecting upon what our natural world can teach us and transform these observations into business lessons to improve our business performance. Additionally, I know you appreciate this too because my posts about the sales lessons a tomato plant can teach us and observing ants are some of my most-read posts!
Now, we go to the water… What did I learn about business as I watched jellyfish at the aquarium?
Jellyfish Business Tip 1:
No matter where the tide takes you, stay on course. Being able to adapt will allow you to respond in realtime. Now, keep in mind, you may have an advantage to doing this over jellyfish. After all, you have a brain. We are fully aware of how our brain can snag us into unfavorable approaches, but if used for improvement, it should advance your business performance. Have a plan and build in cushion so you can adapt to the day’s needs.
Jellyfish Business Tip 2:
Assess Your Marketplace
The marketplace of the jellyfish is the entire ocean or container (pool) they are able to access. To a business owner, your marketplace is your pool to conduct business. You don’t need the whole ocean to succeed while improving your business performance; however, you do need to understand your environment. The better you understand your marketplace, the less chance you have of getting entangled and ending up in a compromising circumstance. Worse yet, being redirected and fighting for your life on a beach. Take time to assess if you’re swimming in the appropriate marketplace to meet your goals.
Jellyfish Business Tip 3:
I noticed that when I first observed jellyfish, they seem to be floating effortlessly. Then, I watched them for an extended period of time and noticed how they are consistently working. I believe we have this first impression of jellyfish because they are moving in the water. Even though they are in constant action, they have a sense of graceful fluidity to them. How would you feel if you could be in constant action for a day and experience it as graceful fluidity?
If you haven’t thought about how to smooth your business performance, don’t worry. It’s not a common thought. Yet, uncommon thoughts coupled with uncommon actions tend to produce uncommon (and favorable) results.
Action Steps:
Infuse these 3 tips for one week and see what type of results you attain. I bet you’ll be performing with greater ease. Then, come back and share your experience or ask questions – we’re here to help you shine brightly!
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Blessings of Brilliance to YOU ~
Rev. Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Small Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
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