How Much Business Tech
Do You Need to Ditch?
Modern Small Business Owners need business tech to be effective and efficient. By not using it, they could be doing themselves a big disservice. However, business tech does come with a caution: there is a point at which it can hinder the progression of a small business.
This is really hitting home as I have just created another business. As I was speaking with my business partner, I realized she has a bit of a learning curve ahead of her to use the tech I have in place for operations management, communication organization, and marketing activities. This will require her to learn new tools; but, lucky for her, she can do it with minimal effort. She won’t have to take time to evaluate which tools are best. I already have that covered—one of the advantages I bring to the new business.
My business partner appreciates not having to dive into the unknown Sea of Technology Tools. She has my tutelage to keep her producing at high levels. This will streamline our activities as we are about to launch our business in October.
All this had me recalling what I wrote about tech in the Amazon #1 Bestselling Business Book, “Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner“-Vol 2. You’ll want to click that link to get the book, but for now let me share a few points which are relevant to your understanding why it is time to ditch some of your tech!
Ditch Some of Your Business Tech
Why? You’re wasting resources.
Several years ago, I was participating in Mel Abraham’s Thought Leader Intensive training. As Mel, a renowned former CPA specializing in Valuation, shared in one last tip for all attendees: Assess your tech tools. If you’re like most business owners, you’re spending way too much on technology. List what you are using and unsubscribe from the rest. It’s depleting your resources.”
Mel was referencing financial resources. I add that excessive tech is also stealing your time, mental bandwidth, and storage space on devices.
Maximization or Optimization?
In 2012 I did a presentation for Business Owners. I asked the audience, “Please raise your hands if you feel maxed out.” You guessed it; the whole room raised their hands.
Then I asked, “What if? … What if you are already at a point of maximization? What if you have already maxed out maximization?” The room went silent.
Next I discussed the difference between maximization and optimization. I wanted to be sure that everyone understood the difference between the two.
“Optimization, not maximization, is the key to success in the 21st century.”
~Maggie Mongan, (Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner- Vol. 2)
Utilizing tech is essential in contemporary business and life. I’m an advocate for tech and enjoy finding new tools to improve my personal and professional performance. Here’s another quote from the same book, “Find tech which will best support your mission.”
Business Tech Optimization Supports Profitability
“Tech, with all its capabilities, is a SBO’s [Small Business Owner’s] best friend.” Yet, “My industry observations reveal this is where SBOs lose the battle” (quotes from the same book).
Take a moment to read the above paragraph again. I detail it further in the book, but for now it’s important that you understand it’s time for a tech clean up.
During springtime we do physical cleaning of our homes and workplaces. Why not do a tech clean up during summertime? Not only will it save you storage space, you’ll also benefit if you’re paying for unused tech. What a simple way to immediately improve your profit margin!
Remember: Utilize tech to support your mission. Simplify your business tech tools for optimization. Choose wisely!
Feel free to ask any questions or make any comments you have regarding your business’s strategy to generate revenue.
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Making it possible to Simplify, Transform,
& Optimize Small Business Success!
For a 40 minute no-cost consultation,
go to: Let’s Shine Brighter!
Maggie Mongan, #1 Bestselling Business Author
Master Business Coach & Trainer
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
P.S.: Create brilliant outcomes through making better decisions in real-time.
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