Allow Me to Introduce:
Expert Dennis Hill, Ph. D.
When a globally recognized expert, Dennis Hill, Ph.D. begins his message with “Knowledge is not data”, we pay attention. This short article offers you an opportunity for a fresh perspective to learn more about productivity and learn from Dennis Hill, Ph.D., as he invites us to review our technology systems or tech stacks to improve our productivity. For decades Dennis has championed utilizing technology to best improve business and human performance. He just penned a very eye-opening chapter in our newest volume about how to Integrate for Well-Managed, Integrated Growth. I assure you, it will significantly improve YOUR Business’s Performance.
Today’s blogging guest, Dennis Hill, Ph.D., who is one of the members of the Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner #1 Bestselling Book Series Author Team. On 11-11-2020 a group of 9 Brilliant Practicing ExpertsTM lead by Maggie Mongan, will be releasing their book to coincide with National Entrepreneurs Month. It is written specifically for Small Business Owners, by Small Business Owners, to help you learn how to win BIG at small business in the 21st century!
Want to learn more about how to get your hands on the latest book in the series: Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner: Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business, AND our app for the book to get direct access to our authors, AND our podcast? When you go to: BrilliantBizBook.com you’ll get 100 Tips for Small Business Owners Success Report to start working into your business until the book comes out!
To give you a glimpse of several different chapters, I invited our co-authors to write a short guest blog to learn about why their chapter topic is important to YOUR Business Success.
Business Technology Expert,
Dennis Hill, Ph. D.
In Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner: Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business – Vol 4, Business Author Dennis, Hill, Ph.D. shares how most businesses still aren’t approaching our business’s technology systems the way we need to for success in this century. He provides a powerful analogy for us to reflect upon our business and see where we have gaps – isolated systems – and how we can better integrate them for seamless optimization.
The following is what Dennis Hill, Ph.D. wants to share with you:
Integration for Growth
Every small business owner, entrepreneur, and hobbyist shares the same desire for success in their respective venture, but in today’s complex commerce realm, being an expert at all of the fundamentals to create and operate a successful business is merely impossible. We are living in a new era of commerce. The World Economic Forum refers to this period as the 4th Industrial Revolution. The companies that will take root and grow will be well-managed and intentional when acquiring, creating, and leveraging knowledge.
First, knowledge is not data. Knowledge is the sum or range of familiarity and association perceived, discovered, learned, or experienced about data. In other words, how pieces of information link to another, the relationship among data points, essentially defines knowledge. It is no wonder that worldwide sales of contact relationship management software (or CRM) has grown geometrically over the past decade. Even less surprising is businesses’ movement away from discrete sales of a product or service to the broader offering of “experience” for a customer with one’s business.
Second, a team of stakeholders is needed to sustain all businesses. Today, enlightened owners see contractors and even strategic customers and suppliers as stakeholders, not just themselves and their employees; therefore, efficient and effective knowledge management requires integrated databases, i.e., programs used to capture, modify, and apply company data, tied to each other in a streamlined manner that empowers stakeholders.
Third, choosing an infrastructure or platform to build and integrate a company is the next important step. Management by email (and attachments) is hardly efficient, and texting is just too Pavlovian with all the other alerts one receives all day. Identifying a suite of critical programs and applications to run accounting, payroll, customer order processing, and digital marketing, having them available on any device to access all information, and including security that restricts access on a “need to know” basis are all necessary to avoid common cyber-related pitfalls.
Sounds easy? It’s not, and that‘s why I am a contributing author to Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner, Volume 4, to be released November 11, 2020. My chapter alone is not sufficient to answer every question that will arise. Still, business owners can rest assured that the integration process outlined in my chapter adequately augments hundreds of other “wisdom nuggets” found throughout every edition of this award-winning series, rendering Brilliant Breakthroughs a convenient and accessible board of advisors or directors. After all, isn’t a board-in the-hand worth two anywhere else?
Thank you ~ Dennis
Want to purchase the #1 Amazon Small Business Bestselling Book: Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner – Vol. 4? Click here: BrilliantBizBook.com. Then sign up to get your 100 Free Tips and we’ll email them to you AND another email to let you know how to get your digital book for only 99 cents on 11-11-2020. Thank you readers for helping us become a #1 Bestselling Small Business Book Series!
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. helps Small Business Owners
Simplify Strategies & Align Actions
to further Profitability, Peace, & Potential
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Strategist
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s.: One of your key components as a Small Business Owner is your relationship with money so you can optimize your profitability. Taking time to improve your relationship with money will literally pay-off!
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