October 26


The Heart of YOUR Business: Needing a Little CPR?

The heart of your business:

How much heart does our business have?
Are you, as a Business Leader allowing your heart to shine?
Does YOUR Business need a little CPR lately?

 “The heart has reasons that reasons cannot know.”

Flaming heart depicting the heart of Your Business
Ignite the heart of YOUR Business

Check-up: What’s the State of the heart of YOUR Business?

Lately, I’ve been amazed at the heartlight of some awesome Business Leaders I’ve met. Conversely, I amazed at how other Business Leaders have allowed their heartlight, or the heart of YOUR Business, to dwindle.

As you’ve figured out by now, I’m always gathering information on leadership, business, and performance. I ran across a book I bought a good while ago, “Leading with Passion” by John J. Murphy. It’s a great book and the images are outstanding! Murphy states,

“Effective leaders do not accept this feeling of defeat because they know how dis-empowering it is. Without heart, there can be no passion, no enthusiasm, no feeling of energy and charisma. A leader high on heart and emotional intelligence breeds victory. A disheartened leader, doubtful and stressed, manifests loss.”

This is great! It succinctly addresses why some leaders face adversity and challenges with a positive mindset  (even if they may not be aware of such choice). Also, effective leaders aren’t into dis-empowering themselves or others. They are much wiser than this.


Is the heart of YOUR Business so big that it’s undeniable? That when people meet you they automatically can’t imagine anything but the heart of YOUR Business being alive and vibrant and that you are nothing but successful?

Conversely, does the heart of YOUR Business look like it’s the size of the Grinch’s heart before it expanded? If so, I have good news: you can change the size of the heart of YOUR Business within minutes… It’s all up to you, the Business Leader. It’s a choice!

What type of CPR does the heart of YOUR Business need from you now?

This sounds like a corny question, but I assure you it is important and powerful. What can you give or do to boost the heartlight of YOUR Business or yourself? As a Business Leader this question should be asked repeatedly! Asking is one thing, following through with ideas to expand the heart of YOUR Business and get it burning red hot is another. Don’t short change yourself or YOUR Business! Start today… before you’re called a Grinch.

 Please feel free to comment or sharing how you will be expanding the heart of YOUR Business or anything else I shared!


If you want to discuss this strategy or something you need assistance with,
please call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation.

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan



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  1. I am just getting back to the heart of my own business by going back to my PVM….Purpose, Vision and Mission. It brought me back to some of the values that I have lost sight of. Working so hard on the actual physical business aspects, I forgot about why I am doing all this. Bring the purpose and vision back into focus, has put me back on track.

    Thanks and blessings for this post Maggie!

    1. Ah… PVM + Core Values + Business Promise will build you that solid foundation to serve your customers with and upon. So glad you remembered while your developing your marketing plan and business image. Way to Go!!!

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