October 19


Business Strategy: YOUR Social Media Spaghetti

Are you enjoying your platter of Social Media Spaghetti
or is it confusing you?

So often I have people ask me about social media. Just yesterday two clients asked me about “this stuff”, how it “appears to be such a mess”, and “it’s all a bunch of smoke and mirrors”.  Well, to many it may appear that way and to others it may actually be that way. Why? Because they haven’t figured out which tool/s (Social Media platform) to utilize for their particular business.

Disclaimer: In no manner, shape, or form am I a social media expert. Got it? Yet, I do have some awesome background in marketing – even an degree in international marketing. This year one of my business goals has been stepping into the social media game and learning which social media platforms are working best for my business and charitable cause.  So I’d like to share some of the simplest advise I can from my “testing” grounds and other sage advise from those at the forefront of this  messy dinner each and everyone of us is being served 🙂

Social Media is digital marketing, which offers you different ways to reach YOUR Ideal Customer. Now, I just gave you two of the biggest clues to the social media game: (1) it’s digital – implying you will need to be typing something on a keyboard, and (2) you can choose how to reach YOUR Ideal Customer.

Who is YOUR Ideal Customer?

This, I believe, is the crux of this whole topic! What is their lifestyle? How will they prefer to communicate? How often do they want to hear from you? What will they want to hear about from you? Why will they continue to accept your messages?

Note: If you need clarity, I suggest you go back to my posting of Discovering YOUR Ideal Customer (Aug 30 – Sept 13, 2011) to assist you.

It is critical to match up your (1) choice of platform/s),
(2) type of message you provide, and (3) YOUR Ideal Customer.

As I said this has taken about 6 months for me to test which platform works best for what message I am conveying to serve my customers. Think about that for a split second and it will appear obvious: This message just wouldn’t work on Twitter because Twitter is a microblog (it only allows each of your messages to be 140 characters), and we passed that in the first paragraph of this posting 🙂

I continue to hear that many folks don’t understand the basic platforms in social media. So true to form, we will over-simplify this in our next posting. Hopefully these two postings will help you to discern which platform may serve you best!  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post on all that!

I strongly encourage you to do a review of YOUR Ideal Customer today (at least the August 30, 2011 posting) to really get back into thinking through the particulars for your business’s strategies and success. Tomorrow I will share an over-simplified description of the main approaches to social media. Then you can begin to play with what you think will be best.

If you are a social media expert, please pardon my over-simplification. The purpose of this blog is to oversimplify basic business concepts to assist those who may not know about the particular topic or to look at it differently and assist readers in discovering how to be wildly successful and insanely profitable!

If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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