November 22


Business Strategy and Tip:Week 11/25/2013

Business Strategies & Tips for Next Week!

Now we are going to share one business strategy for you to focus on throughout the whole week…
and a practical tip on how to apply it!


Business Strategy: Digging for Gold
Finding YOUR Gold instead of Chasing Butterflies

Here’s your one Business Strategy:

“Realize what you want, really want.
It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work – digging gold.”
~William Moulton Marston

Application of this Business Strategy for YOU:

This is one of my all time favorite sayings. Marston was accomplished in several professional positions (of great complexity: inventor, lawyer, psychologist, comic book creator of Wonder Women). I love the simplicity of this wisdom. Quit chasing butterflies and start digging your gold! I read this saying a couple times a year and it straightens my arrow if I’ve deviated too far from my goal.

What’s your gold? Really sink your teeth into this one. (Allow this business strategy to guide you above all others.)
If you do, you will have it sooner than later!
~Brilliant Business Coach Maggie Mongan


 If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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  1. Love this! I’ve been chasing butterflies for years–elusive little critters that they are. Now that I’m really applying myself (with the help of my brilliant business coach!) I’m digging for gold and seeing some shiny stuff appear! Thanks as always Maggie!!

    Blake Cahoon
    Illuminated Engagements Centre for Whole-Being

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