August 7


Business Strategy: Broaden YOUR Support Team

Does  your current support team have enough varying viewpoints?
Have you developed a team with enough diversity of expertise?

Two weeks ago my youngest son came to town. He is beginning his graduated studies at Julliard (this will be important in a minute).  So we decided to gather both our sons, the oldest is a sound engineer and has a Bachelors of Business in the Entertainment Industry. Obviously they are both quite creative and trained differently for their expertise! So we decided to go to The Milwaukee Art Museum as an art appreciation experiment, which ultimately turned into a lesson of how varying viewpoints provided an invaluable  richness to a group.

Milwaukee Art Museum Experiment

As a Business Rescue Coach I found this to be a fascinating experiment 🙂 My husband does not have any education about art, I do, my oldest son (the “cool cat”) is into more creative images, and my youngest (the “aristocrat”) is very particular about art… and rightly so with living in NY City and Europe for 8 years. Is that enough diversity for this experiment or what?!?!?!

At the Milwaukee Art Museum

So we went through the museum and I was fascinated to learn the different viewpoints of each person, the comments were all over the place from time to time and we challenged each other to consider another viewpoint. The only time we all agreed on some creations was in the part of the museum were you weren’t allow to take photos 🙁

This had me thinking about how we tend to build our business support teams to be homogenized and not diverse enough to really offer us the best possible outcome. Why? Well, who really likes having some one constantly sharing with you that there is another facet to X that you may not have considered yet? Most of us don’t and that’s why we don’t create the BEST teams to support us effectively!

4 Questions to Improve Your Performance by building a Support Team
that is strong and diverse enough to Support YOUR Business Success

  • Are you a confident leader who can take constructive criticism?
  • Are you strong enough to listen to different opinions?
  • Do you continuously seek wisdom from others’ expertise?
  • Do you surround yourself with people who are better than you?
Crystallized Formation at The Milwaukee Art Museum

If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750
FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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