July 19


Business Rescue Coach’s Self-Discovery: Business Purpose

Ever since I completed yesterday’s blog I have been singing “W-h-o are you?, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh … I really wanna know, who, who, who, who are y-o-u?” by the British Rock Band, The Who (1978). Sorry for those of you who now have that song stuck in your head too 🙂

I had some fun playing with the “Who is my business/what is my business?” yesterday. This was coupled with the knowing that as a business owner, my business also reflects who I am as a person. For most of the entrepreneurs I work with this isn’t an issue as they have and are continuing to grow their business upon the building blocks of authenticity and integrity. By the way, that, is one of the key elements to entrepreneurship:)

A Business Purpose is simply revealing what the business is about or why it exists. There really isn’t anything sexy about it at all! If you were a brick and mortar business it would be stating “why you open the doors in the morning?”,  or if virtual, “why have you hung your shingle in cyberspace?”

And, here’s a clue: If you can’t express this, it tends to be really difficult for someone to wrap their head around how you may be able to help them! So, can you in a sentence of two state why you conduct business?

OK, perhaps your head still hurts… how about answering this: What need do you notice people having these days? I see needs all over the place, but I don’t necessarily want to build a business to provide a solution! So, (1) let’s think about what your gifts are, (2) who you would like to help, and (3) why they need help. Feel free to share your answers with your link to your website in the comments section – we can all learn from each other! Note: you don’t have to solve all the problems of the whole world- just the one/s you want!

Self-Discovery Clues:

1. (a) I can take business concepts and best practices and distill them down to a customized practical and tactical manner for people to apply to their businesses. (b) I have the ability to empower people with customized strategic know-how and action plans to deliver an enjoyable and profitable business. (c) I have a gift of being light-hearted and making the stress of business easy and fun so people don’t even realized they are being rescued.

2. I like working with and helping business owners and leaders- those folks who can make organizational change happen in a timely manner.

3. Most people are too busy trying to run the business; thus, they aren’t building it effectively. Others don’t know what business strategies are or others don’t know the secret formula of implementing them to exponentially impact their business’s operations and profitability. The last group is so successful from running a business from “the point of their passion” that they haven’t considered how to make their business even better.

Questions for YOU:
1. What are your gifts to share?

2. Who you would like to help?

3. Why do the people in Question 2 need help?

If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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