May 1


Business Strategy Movie Review: Karate Kid (Original, 1984)

Business Strategies as YOUR Business Rescue Coach
invites you to the movies:

What can the movie, “Karate Kid” (1984) teach about business strategy?

Karate Kid, 1984 Movie image by imdb(dot)com business strategy
The Karate Kid Demonstrating Brilliant Breakthroughs!

Today, we share a business strategy, or three, here with this original “Karate Kid” movie from the 80s. Yes, this movie is loaded with awesome life lessons, and a couple really good business strategies too! A teenager, Daniel (our Karate Kid), moved from one coast to another with his mother. He had difficulty adjusting to the different culture and the social casting of an upscale California. Daniel’s new adversaries/bullies where well trained in karate. Daniel was self-trained. Little did Daniel know that his apartment’s handyman was an excellent teacher of karate, with the most unorthodox manner of training. Since most of us are familiar with this iconic movie, let’s just dive right into the first business strategy 🙂

MENTORSHIP: Personalized Professional Development

Daniel was in need of an ally. The peace-filled and hard working elderly handyman, Mr. Miyagi, was a perfect fit for Daniel. Why? Mr. Miyagi expanded the mind of Daniel in many ways. Most importantly was he was taught to trust, follow his instinct, and choose a peace-filled way as a solution.

Do you have a mentor? Finding someone you can trust and respect can make all the difference in your professional development. When you choose a mentor, take the time to make a proper selection of someone who aligns with your core values. Additionally, make sure they are tenured in whatever it is you seek to learn. Everyone needs a mentor! While you are at it, consider who you may be able to mentor 🙂

COURAGE:  Strong Self-Confidence

Daniel was courageous. He continuously stepped out of his comfort zone to accomplish his goal. Daniel allowed his mentor to help him create quite a brilliant costume for the school dance so he could attend when he didn’t feel comfortable going. During his training time with Mr. Miyagi, Daniel didn’t give up when Mr. Miyagi turned up the heat to push his student. During the tournament, Daniel was injured and most competitors wouldn’t have continued, but Daniel pushed through and did compete. Not only did he compete, he was able to show up very strong and actually finish the competition with the famous “Crane” technique.

Do you continuously step out of your comfort zone? Do you show-up in places that your competitors don’t? Do you step into new turf and explore what options may be available to you? Take time to stretch yourself and find the hidden treasures that others just aren’t discovering because they are still stuck in “the box”!

INSPIRATION: Allow Life to Activate You

Daniel learned how to trim a bonsai tree because he “saw/felt” the beauty of the tree. He trusted his mentor enough to follow the guidance on how to allow the tree to inspire him. Daniel also allowed a girl to inspire him as well. Daniel’s girlfriend, mother, and mentor inspired him to keep going during the tournament. He didn’t need to be (externally) motivated since he was already inspired (his spirit filled him from within).

When one is inspired, mountains can be moved! Are you inspired? Have you found something beautiful of/about a person, place, or thing that is moving you to take extra-ordinary action/s? Is your inspiration and enthusiasm focused AND directing you to your desired goal/s? Do you apply a business strategy as you approach new projects or events? Daily, and more frequently if needed, connect with your inspiration and allow it to guide your actions to your desired destination – have fun and you will be smiling more!


Brought to you by:
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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