January 27


Business Resource: 6 ways to fail your business

You are the heart of your business.

Is your business having heart failure?

Does it feel like your business needs a little CPR this year? If you said “yes”, the good news is that it is only the end of the first month and you can begin to alter your business’s 2012 destiny!

I strongly encourage you to read Jeff Haden’s article (below link) regarding the 6 ways business owners and leaders fail their business. Yes, this is a check list for you!

As I’m talking with folks they are sharing one of two extremes: how good their year end was and they are rocking and rolling this new year, or how they are at rock bottom. Regardless of which category you are in, this article can assist you considerably – well, that’s if you are willing to give yourself an honest performance review! Are you?

Jeff Haden has been in your shoes, he’s not some theorist. Jeff offers sage wisdom for us to follow.  I personally like his second way “you focus on the wrong line”, which speaks to cutting cost (expenses) vs. sales and growth (revenue). This is one of the most common mistakes I have seen as an executive recruiter with my clients and one that is still occurring far too often for small businesses!

Often I see Jeff”s second way ultimately influence people to “network more than sell” (fourth way) which often times leads them to “you can’t stop searching for that one big idea” (sixth way). Does any of this sound familiar? Please take time to read his short, but power-packed article.

I even suggest you to do what I will be doing with it: print it out. Then, on the 10th of every month  review it and assess your performance. If your numbers aren’t where they need to be for the month, make your adjustments immediately so you can meet your monthly goals 🙂 Thanks Jeff for a great sharing!


What do you see happening in your business or other businesses and how do/would you correct it? Please share in comments section so we can all help each other 🙂

If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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