The futuristic movie, Avatar is incredible to watch and insightful on how to improve both our personal and professional lives right now.

AVATAR movie teaches business strategies of
Resource Allocation, New Practices, & Integration

Our beloved AVATAR (2009) is a cutting-edge entertaining and educational futuristic movie. Its storyline, production, action, and captivating visual environment are extraordinary. Not to mention the upcoming 3 sequels will be moving the story forward instead of a prequel sequence. It was fascinating to see how pivotal planned and unplanned battles and strategies achieved victory.

Watching this movie is a great way to reflect upon YOUR Business’s Performance this year. It’ll help you determine which new actions better align with your strategies to achieve your new year’s Business Goals. I strongly encourage you to watch AVATAR after you read the review. FYI: YOUR Business’s Success may become more attainable.

AVATAR Business Strategy #1
Resource Allocation

Marine Cpl. Sully is a substitute for the vision to be fulfilled. He doesn’t appear to be the best substitution. Yet his outsider approach becomes a great asset to fulfilling the mission successfully on three fronts (scientific, military, and cultural). Sully proves himself an invaluable asset by completing much more than his initial assignment.

People are the greatest resource of all businesses! If you are a solo entrepreneur this holds true for you too. When we allow people to be introduced to new thoughts, new ideas, new tools, or new circumstances something amazing happens. It’s almost magical how our minds get creative. Typically creating something superior to our current reality.

What new and/or different strategies, tactics, training, or tools would you like to implement this coming year?

Don’t allow YOUR Business to be held back. Step into something new. Allow it to assist you and YOUR Business to grow in new and unexpected ways.

AVATAR Business Strategy #2
New Practices

Sully’s assignment is to learn how the Na’vi people live. Due to circumstances, he goes rogue, which seems to work well for him. He abandons the formerly created protocol, which has been unsuccessful. Sully fully submits to becoming a student of his new environment.

It isn’t easy for Sully to allow his ego and current knowledge to take a hiatus. Yet, when he’s able to surrender to a new way of being, Sully’s learning accelerates. By making himself vulnerable, he learns what’s important to all parties and he gets creative to find a better solution.

For YOUR Business to advance, which old ways or tools do you need to release?

Too often we try to make new headway using old thinking and tools. Yet, if we would release them and embrace a new way, our business would significantly improve. Stepping into new practices is challenging. The key isn’t to focus on remembering and/or learning the new way. The key is the outcome this new practice brings. Your desired outcome is both inspirational (intrinsic) and motivational (extrinsic).

AVATAR Business Strategy #3

One of the most visually captivating scenes of the movie is when all people connect and integrate toward the end of the movie. This happens several times with different people and things throughout the movie. (I don’t want to say more and possibly spoil the story.)

In business, everything is connected. Some of us have the opportunity to learn this as we experience nature. Nature is a great teacher of the benefits of consistently working toward sustaining balance and growth. AVATAR continuously exposes this throughout the story.

Is YOUR Business integrated enough to support its success?

Businesses are beautiful systems with many moving parts of smaller processes and systems. The more YOUR Business is integrated, the greater probability it has to perform effectively and efficiently. The temptation is to overlook the importance of integration. Don’t do yourself and YOUR Business a disservice of not giving this the time and additional resources it needs!

Which one of the Business Strategies from AVATAR would serve YOUR Business best right now?
(Mine is new practices to do more integration so I’m focusing on all 3 strategies right now!)



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Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

This Brilliant Breakthroughs Brilliant Business Movie Review is brought to you by:
Master Business Coach & Strategist Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Site & Blog:
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at Thank you.


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  1. You are truly gifted Maggie! How you receive such helpful information from movies is beyond me! Thanks again for your sharing these lessons.

    1. Thanks Barbara Marie! Yep, I know my mind works a little different this way than most people. Actually, that’s why I do this – it’s a fun way to learn and it helps Small Business Owners understand the point differently than just talking about it. Glad you appreciate it.

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