Business Strategies & Tips for Next Week!
Now we are going to share one business strategy for you to focus on throughout the whole week…
and a practical tip on how to apply it!
Here’s your one Business Strategy:
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex…
it takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
~ Albert Einstein
Tip to Apply Business Strategy:
As a business leader of your own organization, you set the tone, the pace, and the level of excellence for your business, all it’s team members, and your business allies. I’m sure many people would say “no, duh”, but I know that’s not you! So let’s talk about how you, a conscientious business leader, handles the whole enchilada 🙂
The most successful business leaders lead from an understanding of the PURPOSE (the reason) why their business exists. This specific reason is “the WHY” of all your business activities and decisions. Your Brilliant Business’s Purpose is the answer to why you do what you do, how you do it, and when you do it. I know this sounds a little hefty, but I’m sure you know its truth.
Yet, this doesn’t have to be too heavy – let’s lighten it up for you! What fuels YOUR Purpose is YOUR PASSION. When you engage your passion to serve, everything changes. You show up differently – not from a place of arduous labor, but from a place that’s lit up like lighthouse – always serving whomever comes within its reach!
YOUR Passion, coupled with YOUR Purpose is what makes you unstoppable and quite attractive. You become a magnet – simply drawing people to you wherever you go! You know what I’m talking about…. it’s the “on” feeling you experience once in a while. Think back to a time when this happened for you – isn’t it totally awesome when this happens!?!
OK, so how do you sustain that brilliance?
(Remember, we over-simplify here)
- Get really clear what the purpose of your business is. Write it down, tweak it, sit with it, and see if it “fits” you appropriately.
- Then move onto YOUR TRUE WHY: YOUR PASSION that will be able to keep you progressing through all the little challenges business offers to us each day. Write this down, tweak it, sit with it, and see if it “fits” you appropriately. If this gets you all jazzed up you are on the right track- congrats!
I invite you to take the time to do this – it’s a great business strategy that most skip or do far too quickly for it to be impactful to the business. If you do this and need some help to complete OR don’t even know how to begin, please reach out! I’d be happy to guide you through this business strategy which ultimately becomes the foundation to guide you through all you do and each decision you make!
Remember, take the time to allow YOUR Passion to ignite you and others.
~Brilliant Business Coach Maggie Mongan
In the comments section: please feel free to share YOUR Purpose or Passion so we know why to reach out to you for ourselves or referrals 🙂 Cool Business Strategy for marketing yourself here, isn’t it?
If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750 FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Life’s little challenges become life’s big challenges…. those are the ones that throw me off my daily routine. Right now my mother is not doing so well and this takes my physical and mental energy away from my business. It seems I just get started again and then someone else needs me…….I guess the trick is to just keep starting again and then starting again and then starting again……… just doing what I can, when I can. Right now I feel I am not making progress on my business…but I guess I am getting to know my own brothers and sisters again and that is a good thing.
Thanks for sharing about these life challenges… for most people challenges like this never seem to stop! However, we can help ourselves by making it easier to contend with them by re-framing our mind to see them as invitations. Invitation to create another experience (or twenty). That’s how I manage all the start and stops! Also, when I have to stop and then come back I review what I have produced prior to stopping the project. Once I’m “caught up” I’m either ready to proceed or make something I already created even better 🙂 Hopefully this helps a bit!
I really have enjoyed a lengthy career in the hotel industry. The knowledge I have gained, through my experience in sales, catering, and convention services, is infinitely helpful to my clients now. That inner working knowledge about what is important to the hotels, coupled with what I know is important to my clients, really allows me to negotiate well on behalf of my meeting planner clients.
Welcome first time commenter, Hedy! Congrats- I hear the confidence oozing throughout your purpose and passion 🙂