When and how can you schedule some relief for yourself?
Thus far, this year has been quite chucked-full of projects- you know a couple of really big undertakings by your Business Rescue Coach. Just when I thought I was going to have a breather of a half a day (and push through the other big project until Friday afternoon), the news of my father having some heart surgery reached me late last night.
One of the goals I have as a business owner was to have the flexibility in my schedule to tend to important things. Is this one of your goals too?
My father’s health and recovery is definitely one of them. So today you get a shorter and less coach-y post; yet, this one is important folks! Are you scheduling time off or a time-out when you need one? I had it planned and this week’s surprise has altered my week and my focus (for a bit here). Please make sure you are taking time out and are being true to yourself. If you must push through, just share with your customers what is occurring in your personal life- they will understandably pardon you being anything less than stellar. They are human too, right?
If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750 FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.