Change Happens in Small Businesses-
Scratch that – any size business – all the time
Do you feel like it is time to change up something in your business?
Are you preparing to make that change?
Do you know what your change will bring to your business’s performance?
Some of you might have noticed that last week you only received my Friday post. After being very consistent for 2.5 years of blogging 3 times a week I made a choice not to. Why? Well change was occurring behind the scenes with my technology AND I was facilitating a week long Seminar-Retreat for my Divine Business MasterMind Group. I know, I’ve always had my blogs continue to roll into your inboxes even when I was aways from the office, but this time I chose differently. All things considered, know that I’m back and you still get these wonderful strategies and tips coming into your office just like clockwork again 🙂
Change Happens in Small Business
Regardless of size, all businesses are constantly in a state of change – trying to find the proper balance to perform optimally. Change tends to be more noticeable in a small business because it isn’t as complex as big business. At times, the changes we make to our business are noticeable and other times they aren’t to the outside world. Regardless, change is typically conducted for the improvement of internal function, service, and/or profitability.
Currently, I am amidst a great change throughout my business – some very public, while others are internal changes, more behind the scenes stuff. For two years I have been playing around sometimes openly and other times under the radar screen trying new products and services to serve customers. Additionally, I’ve even been playing around with my business persona – identifying the essence of who I am professionally and specifically what I want to be known for as I create a new vision for entrepreneurship or small business. This is quite a bit of change and I needed to have a good testing ground to see what changes were best. What made them best? The favorable performance they provided to my clients!
Successful Change Requires Preparation
So over the past 2 years, I’ve had a feeling that it’s time for a change. Additionally I was preparing for big changes too! I have been playing with all sorts of concepts: new offerings, new logo, new website, new Ideal Customer focus, new marketing activities… all while I was wrapping up many old ways and relationships which have brought me to this point in my professional development!
So for a couple year now, I’ve been talking with all sorts of different people to learn what would really serve my business best. Last February I really stepped into making some transitions which would be simple to accomplish and were prerequisites to the more obvious changes you will see between now and the end of this year.
Other than steep learning curves in technology and new marketing approaches, the most difficult change was my hosting for my website. Even though I knew I was making really big changes to all aspects of my virtual presence and change was necessary, I had great difficulty making this one change! Why? I absolutely think the world of my first web architect who also provided my web hosting!!! I even owe the birthing of this blog to him because he “strongly encouraged’ me to start a new blog, which has eventually lead me to this concept. Thanks Roland, you are the best and now I look forward to having a relationship of “friend” with you… aloha! 🙂 (I probably should have made this change sooner but I was receiving great service and I really liked my provider. Have you ever been slow to change because of relationship?)
As it is now revealed… I’ve been diligently working behind the scenes to prepare things for my big public/virtual switcheroo. It’s been almost a year in the making before anyone will notice the change that is taking place. Soon, you will see the next part coming through – this will all be visible and will be done incrementally.
Change Impacts YOUR Business’s Performance
Making change happen for the sake of making change, isn’t necessarily wise; however, making change happen with a favorable impact as your intention is wise and a great business move!
I’m making all the changes I am to gain more visibility so I can serve more customers via a new updated look and approach to the marketplace. Each offering will be revamped or is brand-spanking new. First, I will start with being content-based and then I will step into infusing all the bells and whistles into each offering and the whole site. You will see this all unfold right before your very eyes!
All the changes you will see are intended to grow Brilliant Breakthroughs so it can serve more people and help them build and launch their profitable small businesses that shine! Is that cool or what!?!?
CHANGE is happening here at Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Come join us for the ride and see where it may take you 🙂
Often we wait too long to engage change. What change would be beneficial for your business’s performance yet this year? You know, the change your business is waiting for you to make… Please feel free to share in the comment section and let’s see how we can all help each other out!
It can be all different this year…if you plan to deliver different results in 2013!
If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750 FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Change is good because it allows us to stretch our wings and soar higher and wider. It may be scary at first, but having the faith and courage will take us far.
I look forward to all the good changes that are ahead for Brilliant Breathroughs!
Love and Light Always,
Blake Cahoon, Founder
Illuminated Engagements
How exciting! I’m sure it will be awesome and can’t wait to see it all unfold.
All the best success,