Business Strategies via watching movies… Does it get any better than this?
YOUR Brilliant Business Coach
invites you to the movies:
What can the movie, “Australia” (2008)
teach about business strategies?
Today, we share 3 Business Strategies via “Australia” (2008) movie. (poster image by
First, I want to share that this movie is definitely for history buffs! Matter in fact you may be surprised about several historical facts, which many people were not aware of until this movie came out. NOTE: Stay until all the historical facts are revealed at the end of the movie – it’s sure to be an eye opener and possibly a tear-jerker. I really don’t want to say more except this is an adult movie and it has plenty of rough and tough action with a great blend of romance. Let’s not forget all the wonderful strategies and tips to apply to your business as well 🙂 After you watch it, let me know what you can apply to your business… and if they can drive cattle 2,000 miles across the dust bowl of a continent I guess whatever it is we must do is truly possible after all!
WARNING: These 3 Business Strategies are intentionally written in a vague manner (not the norm at all here) for you to experience the strategies without me giving away the plot.
The Ranch hires an accountant, who is told by the Ranch Owner to keep 2 sets of books. When this is done the mismanaged inventory goes unnoticed. This mismanagement jeopardizes the future of the Ranch.
Anything in business which impacts it’s financials or profit margin has the potential to be tampered with at one time or another, intentionally or not. When business knowingly becomes unethical it is just a matter of time before it is revealed. When business becomes immoral it may be more difficult to notice. Knowing who you choose to associate yourself and your business with is critical. Due diligence is necessary to keep the reputation of your good name and your business’s intact.
Strategy #1 Pondering: Are you sure you hired or are associated with ethical professionals? Are you leaving any open holes for unethical or unscrupulous behavior to occur?
One of the leaders of industry allows himself to get caught up in pettiness and greed to the point that he loses track of his primary business objective to assure ongoing success.
At times, we allow ourselves to become distracted. Distractions come in many shapes, forms, and sizes. The characters of “Australia” didn’t have messages in inboxes to distract them, but the did had plenty of other distractions: prejudice, greed, lust, addiction, survival, pride, religion, tradition, romance, and war. In many respects, not so different than today; however, it was Australia, almost a century ago, so there was significant impact to each of distractions.
One of the main characters became a distraction for others and allowed themselve to be distracted at times too. Repeatedly throughout the plot, the concentration of primary goals were minimized through such distractions and in several cases brought demise to the characters. Distractions happen all around us -all the time. Determination and concentration allow us to persevere to overcome obstacles.
Strategy #2 Pondering: Typically, how strong is your concentration? Can you identify distractions that break your concentration? What can you do to minimize these?
Drover was a man who knew what he did best. As hard as he eventually tried, he just wasn’t happy or fulfilled unless he was doing it. Nullah’s life purpose was not to become domesticated. Nullah was to live in harmony with the land.
There are two schools of thought on strengths: the first is to honor and develop them to become an unstoppable force; the second is to develop your weaknesses so you only have strengths and no weaknesses. In the past, I have blogged about how even Superman has a weakness so it’s OK for us to have them too!
Admittedly, I’m a believer that developing strengths is important, just as it is to develop your weakness – but not at the cost of your strengths. Example: I’m good at what I do, I know that one client can offset all the expense of hiring someone to do my financials… which is a great weakness – not fond at all of bookkeeping! Which activity: bookkeeping or attracting another client to serve should I focus on? Right about now I hope you are shouting, “Go get another client”. That’s the correct answer because no matter how much I practice, bookkeeping just isn’t my thing and my business’s resources are best used working my strengths!
Strategy #3 Pondering: Can you identify your top 5 professional strengths? Can you identify your top 5 professional weaknesses? Do you know how to work on developing your weaknesses and when to work your strengths to find the balance which best serves your business’s overall performance?
Take a moment to kill this coach’s curiosity… Please share which strategies require your attention right now – take a moment to answer in the comment section. Let’s see how we can serve each other with authentic sharings 🙂
Last: If you need assistance on any of these strategies or something else to help your business shine, please contact me. I’d be happy to learn if I can help you or refer to another who is capable of resolving your needs!
Brought to you by:
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Direct Dial: (262) 716-7750 (Central Time)
Hey, good blog…good movie!
I’m ethical as the day is long (opps it’s time of year when day light gets shorter!)…so no worries there. (No really; who wants the karma?)
Now…Strategy #2 and #3…mmm….where was I? (see Strategy #2 if you don’t get it!) I know I have been distracted and I am attempting to remedy that. #3 Strengths and weakness…5 of them? Wow, well I’ll have to ponder that for awhile. I do know that bookkeeping isn’t my best ability. We really could use some more of those small/micro business accountants out there. Anyone game to start a new business? I know of a good, scratch that, great coach!
Blake Cahoon, Founder and CEO
Illuminated Engagements Centre for Whole-Being
Remember please everyone, take time like Blake is to really work on your top 5 strengths and weaknesses list. It’s a great way to empower yourself and build confidence, while simultaneously learning how to ask for help with your weaknesses. Just work it and see the magic that happens!