October 4


Succeeding through imperfection is a great strategy

imperfections of renovating a deck
Succeeding through imperfection is a a norm for Small Business Owners.

Succeeding through imperfection
is a great strategy

Perfection is overrated, especially in business! A far more successful approach is succeeding through imperfection. Yes, you heard me correctly, embrace imperfection.

I know this first appears counter-intuitive, but it’s one awesome power move to support your business’s performance.

Small Business Owners (SBOs) wear many different hats. There are different phases throughout a business’s evolution which require advancement and/or scale. These different phases insist you take action upon action. 

Often SBOs are required to make advancements without having everything in place. Have you ever had this happen?

Succeeding through Imperfection Stories…

#1: Backyard Party Imperfection

Recently we hosted our youngest son’s wedding party in our backyard. We had to make decisions on what we needed to do with home and yard improvements. One of our biggest conversations was what we do and don’t do with our backyard deck halfway through a renovation.

We decided to tear down and replace a section while we kept the other in place. Was it perfect? No. Did it matter? Only to us—until our guests arrived and then it didn’t matter at all! In fact, we even received several thank-you cards mentioning the party and the beautiful environment. Go figure!

Everything was more than fine and we had a grand time. A couple weeks later, we started working on those next steps of the decking project. Yes, we went back and continued working the project to complete the initial intention. We succeeded through the imperfections.

#2: Snafu – only hours away from a huge product launch

A couple of years ago, I was doing a massive product launch. It was a national promotion. I was tinkering with something last minute. Really late, the night before it launched, it happened. I broke the email system while I was entering “just one more thing.”

As I was troubleshooting, I kept making matters worse and I crashed the whole system. So there I was, hours away from launch, working on creating an entire email sequence. All. Night. Long. 

I finished moments before 6am, laid down to get an hour of sleep and one of my people called at 6:20am to report that there was some confusion in the instructions of my email sequence. Immediately, we sent out a follow-up message with a clarifying statement. 

The launch was a smashing success. I, on the other hand, was completely exhausted and didn’t get to enjoy the sweet smell of success.

The big question will always be, “Was it necessary for those last-minute tweaks, which ultimately made the whole system unravel?” We’ll never know.

Benefits of Imperfection…

Imperfection teaches us to adapt. We become better at what we do. 

Succeeding through imperfection teaches us patience and acceptance. It’s through learning to accept what is while continuing to progress while we stretch and refine ourselves.

Imperfection also identifies areas of improvement. What one thing have you been tolerating? What changes could you make to advance your business’s performance?

Undeniably, working with imperfection helps us proceed. Progress wants us to advance.

If we continued to work something until it was perfect, we’d seldom advance. I assure you, the longer you take to perfect something, the longer it won’t be producing at its potential. Yes, potential.

REMEMBER: Success has many different flavors. One of them should be having more peace in your business. 

Your Brilliant Action Item for this Week: 

Embrace an imperfection of your business. Discern if it is something you can be at peace with or it needs to be addressed. Minding this gap will bring you peace as well.

Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. 

Maggie Mongan, #1 Bestselling Author
Master Business Coach & Trainer for Small Businesses
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s.:  Create brilliant outcomes through making better decisions in real-time.

Copyright: Article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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