April 11


Squeezing every resource to accomplish better results

Squeezing every resource illustrated by a battery laying on it side with no energy left.
Are you only squeezing every resource or are you replenishing it too?

Squeezing every resource to accomplish better results

Squeezing every resource to gain your goal isn’t a new concept to any business nor head of a household. It’s what we do to optimize our results. Business Owners and Leaders are always squeezing every resource – including themselves. At times, YOUR Business’s Success determines how well you can push your resources.

Squeezing every resource occurs from time to time to meet deadlines or obtain goals. This can also be a healthy aspect of business unless it’s done too frequently. If squeezing every resource becomes a common occurrence, the business’s leadership needs to add more resources or change the goals because something is misaligned.

But what if you just did a big push for a project? You’ve been squeezed. What do you do next? Adjust your schedule to gift yourself a chance to replenish your batteries. It’s pretty simple: deplete your batteries, then replenish your batteries. Just like a battery – when your energy button is pushed and used, you need to get charged up again!

NOTE: When businesses don’t gift their employees with the opportunity to replenish their batteries they attain burn-out. Burn-out can be hard to notice at first because society has taught us to “suck it up!”

How do you recharge your energy?

Why not try this? You know you have a big project push coming up for a deadline or event and you’ll need some recovery/replenishment time after it’s complete.

TIP: Have you ever thought of not having a thing on your calendar for the next day? Or if that seems too extreme, at least the next morning.

Creating this cushion to replenish your resources (mainly human resources) is best. When you’re proactive with this, you don’t need to reschedule appointments. Once you become proactive, you are making yourself and your team a priority.

I push it from time to time AND I gift myself replenishment time. Do you gift yourself? If so, what do you do? If not, what are your obstacles? Please share your answer in the comment section.


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Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. Remember your output and input must be balanced!

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com. Thank you.


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