June 8


Sales seeds: hurry and start planting them now

Start Planting Your Sales Seeds Now

Sales seeds of purple flower being cross-pollinated by bee
Sales Seeds being Cross-Pollinated

This weekend I put my gardens in. While I was doing it I thought about planting all the seeds with high hopes of a bountiful harvest. Then I thought about how networking and sales are similar. Are you planting enough sales seeds for a bountiful year of revenue?

Summer time: Double benefits, if you’re wise

During the summer months, I always encourage clients and readers to make a little more time to enjoy the great weather and summer time activities. However, this doesn’t imply slowing down your revenue generating activities. Actually, becoming more focused on sales this time of year will serve you well. Why? Many others have what I call summer-time-head and are taking it easy.

How do I know this? Other than observing this for over 10 years? This past month my inbox was flooded with sales and training webinar invitations. I’ve been so busy with a couple special projects that I didn’t even connect the dots. What was happening? It was the big push before summer to get their sales boost until fall. It happens every year. Summer is quiet regarding sales activities. Then everyone is again competing with one another to gain sales in fall until mid-November. Then there is a lull, again, until late January.

Why should you pay attention to these sales cycles?

Think about it… if the competition is minimal at certain times of the year and you arrive on the scene to serve potential customers, guess who is going to get the sale? You, of course. I always say, “You have to show up to win it!” Now, I also know that your specific industry may have peaks and valleys in its sales cycle. It could be totally different from the time frame I just shared. However, the same rules apply: Be there when others aren’t interested in serving your marketplace and you’ll capture the sales.

When was the last time you studied your sales cycle?

Develop a proactive plan to boost your sales when others have forgotten to tend to the marketplace. Don’t wait until sales are slow. Start doing this now so you can implement it when the marketplace is quieter.

NOTE: Competing for customers throughout the year is a non-stop activity. My goal for this post was to help you notice and take action upon some sweet spots of potential sales, which you may not have considered before.

Please feel free to share in comments what you’ve noticed about gaining sales in your business…


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Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-71
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan

p. s. If you’re curious what else I’m sharing, join me on Twitter: @BrilliantBlogr   I share inspiring quotes and images, my blog posts, and other great articles to simplify your success.


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