March 24


Purpose Orients Us Toward Success

Purpose Orients Us Toward Success

Purpose Orients Us Toward Success by Maggie Mongan, Business Rescue Coach of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Purpose Orients Us         Toward Success

Do you know your path to success?
Are you following your map for professional success?
Do you know how to orient yourself to YOUR Professional Success Map?

Last week I ran across a quote that is worth mentioning on our Mastery Monday posts. Yes, it is that great and invites us to step into our own personal and professional greatness!

“It take great courage to faithfully follow what we know to be true.”
~Sara E. Anderson

 You Purpose-filled Path to Professional Success

Throughout this month we have been speaking about Purpose. Yes, I’d like to think that everyone is doing the Action Items suggested in the blog; however, I’m not that naive 🙂 Yet, this particular quote by Sara Anderson invites us to take action to support our (higher) purpose an/or vocation.

Her invitation to step into the action of courage and then faithfully follow what we know to be true is the stuff that shows up in history books, documentaries, or the local newspaper… when the courageous steps are taken!

Do you know what you want your legacy to be? OK, legacy may be strong word for some, but if you approach this topic of purpose as what you’d like to be known for in decades to come – you are on the right train of thought!

What do you want to be known for? What do you want your name attached to? We are looking for something that is either going to “rock your world” OR provide you with a deep sign of contentment. It really doesn’t matter if you know anything about it or not, just say “YES!”

About 8 years ago I learn how to say “YES!” to new things (not insanely crazy things, but many new things, within reason). Today, particularly this year, I am receiving many invitations for me to have new experiences – and wow, are they awesome! I’ll be sharing more about them in a couple of weeks. But I surely know I wouldn’t be doing some of the exciting things I’m now doing if I didn’t learn how to say “YES!” to things AND have the courage to follow through with the actions to my “YES!” 🙂  Earlier today, I shared this new approach with a client for her to beginning “living into and learning” what is still unknown.

YOUR Fun Purpose Action Item for the Week:
Orienting Yourself to YOUR Professional Success Map

Become the ultimate Super Sleuth, like Sherlock Holmes, and a Taste-Tester of Life! You just might be surprised at what you find yourself enjoying 🙂 Allow this exploration to guide you… I imagine there you will begin to unearth your Purpose and /or Vocation! Then you can start building castles in the sky and know you have accomplished success.

I understand that stepping into your vocation or professional purpose may not always be easy for some folks. That’s OK. It’s a different journey for each of us 🙂 Take some time this week to contemplate YOUR Vocation. If you want to see what I initially wrote when I introduced the topic: Click here to learn about YOUR Purpose and How it can guide you.

Your Business Rescue Coach wants to know: What help re-orient you on YOUR Professional Success Map? Please share in the comment sections so we can learn from each others!


If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750, central time, for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
LinkedIn: Mongan/

Brilliant Breakthroughs Inc. Site & Blog:
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
Waterford, WI  USA


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